Does anyone remember this very first one? It was back in 2005, pre-kids, and was made from a funny pic of TubaDad eating a TacoBell taco:
That old header stayed up a good long time (mostly because I had no idea how to change it). And then finally, in March of 2008, I figured it out and the girls humored me by doing their own version of taco munching. I think we went through a dozen tacos to get this shot:
I changed things up with a seasonal theme in October of 2008 by using the girls’ preschool pictures. Cutest monkeys I’ve ever seen. (Ree left for pic 1 and 2, Ro left for pic 3):
I worked with a fun designer to create this winter wonderland header at the end of 2008. (Ro left, Ree right):
And then we had a quick little Santa-themed header in Dec of that same year. Goodness, that’s four headers in 2008, what the heck got into me? (Ree left pic, Ro right pic):
The beginning of 2009 saw the girls in jammies more than clothes, so I whipped up this fun header. (Ro pink Ree blue):
In March of that year we took one of my all-time fave family shots using the self timer on the beach. Fun stuff. (Ree green stripe sleeves, Ro pink stripe):
Does anyone even remember this spring 2009 header? I don’t think it was up for very long. (Ree left, Ro right):
We got down with the fall leaves in November of 2009 (ok, to be honest, we didn’t have any leaves in the yard and had to go on a walk to collect enough for these shots)(Ree left and upside down, Ro right):
In January of 2010 (yipes, I just looked at the file date and couldn’t believe it had really been that long), I got some fun shots of the girls jumping over me in the park:
In February 2011, we took advantage of the nice spring weather and got some funny, fashionista shots of the girls. This is how they always look to us, so capturing the sass in a header just felt right. (Ree in blue, Ro in red):

In Dec 2011 (in what was supposed to be the dead of winter) we were still frolicking in the sun. This was definitely the winter that wasn't, which thrilled our sun-loving girls to no end. (Ro in light purple, Ree in dots):
In Aug 2012, I had gotten a whole bunch of (friendly) grief about STILL having snowflakes up at the end of summer, so I finallyfinally did a new header that just screamed "twinados" to me. Our little sweeties sure are growing up fast, aren't they? (Ro left with longer hair, Ree right):
December of 2012 was pretty busy with prep for a holiday trip to China. But I did manage to wrangle a quick Christmas header out of the pics we took on the way to see TubaDad's Nutcracker performance one day. PanPan got in on the act too. (Ree red, Ro green):
January of 2013 seemed like a good time to commemorate our recent awesome trip to China. We toured Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Guilin, Yangshuo, and Shanghai. Wow. (Ro left, Ree right in big pic):
That China trip was fab, but by July 0f 2013 I wanted something summery-er, and a couple sweet snaps of the girls getting ready for a play fit the bill. (Ro left, Ree right):
Christmas of 2013 was fun (aren't they all?). The girls looked so cute pulling out their collection of Nutcrackers, and this was the first time Dusty made it into the header also. TubaDad was the elf, hee!
The sun came out and we started thinking of summer in May of 2014.