...while we spent the day in swimsuits and shorts.

I'm pretty sure his high temp for the day was thirty-something. Plus, the weather was so bad at his destination airport that he spent three hours on the ground before they'd even let his plane take off yesterday. I think he got in at 3am and then had a meeting at 7am. Eeesh.
But then, just when I start to really feel sorry for him, I remember that
my day wasn't all that relaxing either. It went something like this:
3 am: First wakeup. Little Ree is inconsolable that she peed in her bed and I have to change all of the linens, clean her up, make sure she's not psychologically scarred, then stumble back to bed. (Note to self: the penalty for being stupid and giving her milk right before bed and then forgetting to have her use the restroom is a harsh one.)
4:30 am: Second wakeup. Ro bursts into my bedroom crying that her leg hurts. Sit up and concentrate on breathing and acting sympathetic. Give her a little Tylenol and send her back to bed. Lie awake for a couple of hours being pissed off that I'm not asleep.
7 am: Third (and final) wakeup. Wake groggily to hear Ree repeatedly saying "Mama? Mama, why you not awake?" Rrrr. Try to act loving, prop everyone up with pillows in my bed, and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, hoping they'll just sit quietly for a little while. The show mentioned something about making smoothies, so I (not thinking) asked if they wanted to make fruit smoothies for breakfast someday. They instantly leapt out of bed and ran downstairs chattering and squealing that I should hurry up. I sat there in disbelief for a few seconds, wondering what was wrong with my brain, then went downstairs to start our day (which ended up being kind of busy, despite the fact that we didn't have any plans to start with).
7:15 am: Explained how to make breakfast smoothies (blueberries, a banana, milk, a strawberry/banana yogurt) and let Ro and Ree do it all themselves. Only one minor disaster with the yogurt, ho hum.
8 am: Tried out our new morning-time chart, which will let me actually take a shower in the morning while letting the girls feel good about being independent. Double bonus! I printed out a column for Ro and one for Ree, put pictures of the things they need to do in each row, and put it in a sheet protector. They use a wipe-off pen to put a mark in the box beside each task that they finish—brush teeth, get dressed, breakfast, shoes, hair, vitamin, etc. Their "marks" kind of crack me up, by the way.
9:30 am: Spent about an hour at the local bouncy play area.
11:30 am: Made quesadillas for lunch and attempted to sing Justin Roberts songs with the girls (they were, once again, astounded that I do not know all the words or any of the song orders).
Noon: Played various wild games with blankets and stuffed animals.
1 pm: Went to Baskin Robbins for icecream. The girls got their current (mildly disgusting) fave of purple, green, and blue sherbet. I went with a classic—seriously, how can you go wrong with mint chip?
1:30 pm: Returned a couple of things to Target and bought a few more. Ensured the girls' compliance with the promise of one dollar-bin item each. (God bless that dollar-bin aisle and the genius who came up with it.)
2:30 pm: Went to the pool to take advantage of the only day of sun we're supposed to have in the next week. They swam, I took a few pics with my new birthday purse camera, which may or may not be staying (it's a Canon S90).
4 pm: Watched the girls play outside with their bikes, scooters, and chalk. Originally I watched from inside while I did laundry, until I heard them run through the house saying "we need car keys" and head for the garage. ???!!! Decided I should really take a more active role in supervising their play today.
5:30 pm: Made a nice, well-rounded dinner, and for some inexplicable reason the only part the girls wanted to eat was broccoli. They ate all of theirs, asked for and ate seconds, then asked if they could have the remaining green stuff on my plate. Nice, but weird...
6:30 pm: Played CandyLand for the six-hundredth time (wondered if the girls would even notice if the game just "disappeared"...).
7 pm: Put the girls to bed while they pissed and moaned that they were NOT tired and wanted to stay up later. Ree was asleep in 2 minutes, and it took Ro 5 minutes—I know because I walked downstairs, grabbed Ree's blanket, and immediately walked back upstairs to give it to her.
7:15 pm: Cleaned up the kitchen and family room. Decided the rest of the disaster zone could wait until tomorrow.
8 pm: Sat down on the couch (and groaned). Heaved myself back up, poured a glass of wine, then sat back down (and groaned again).
8:40 pm: Hit publish on this blog post and went to bed. (Ok, that last one probably won't happen, but it's sure nice to dream!)
Anyhow, TubaDad, if you're reading this, I think we both deserve to have incredibly boring days tomorrow!
Ok, I just sent you an email about naps. I didn't read anywhere about naps. Do they still take naps? I love the 7pm bedtime! and the part about the smoothies, I've done that mistake many times. I haven't learned.
ReplyDeleteIt's no nice know that you have normal days! I'd join you in that well deserved glass of wine, but live across the country from you. Still, I totally understand.
ReplyDeleteYour feigned complaints are hilarious! What a wonderful life you have - Hubby is missing out on more than the warm weather. LOVE the check-off list! Perhaps their next level of independence could be to play chutes-and-ladders without you? Barbara
ReplyDeleteI also love the dollar bin at Target for my daughter to rifle through and pick out a treasure (okay I love it as well, you can find some neat things!)
Well I think you deserved that glass of wine:)
ReplyDeletetoo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! and those sunny pictures are just mean mean mean!!! We don't get weather like that until May or June!
ReplyDeleteYour day makes me exhausted!!!! Where's the obligatory quiet time and chocolate therapy in the middle of the day??
ok- some games to try that might make you more sane (i hear you on that candy land!)
1. Micky Mouse Yahtzee
2. Uno (for preschoolers) we call it "moo-no" it uses little balls, a barn, it's hard to explain- but amy loves it
and thank God for CD players-- my kiddos love to hunker down on their beds for quiet time and listen to books on CD (i rec. Mercy Watson, Ramona QUimby, and the Magic Treehouse series)
How warm is it where you are? Is that pool heated? I am so jealous!!! I live in the south and it's still freezing cold here!
ReplyDeleteI have learned so much about being a fun mom from reading your blog, so thank you for that!
one of my favorite mommy tips: double make the beds- waterproof pad/sheet/waterproof pad/sheets. that way in case of accidents you just need to remove the top sheet and pad and still have another sheet all ready to go. I also keep a sleeping bag handy, in case of a major disaster. Last week my 7 yr old threw up in her bed at 3am. tossed the whole mess in the washer and pulled out the sleeping bag rather than looking for new blankets etc.
ReplyDeleteCandy Land tip. Pull out all of the cards with one color square. All that's left are the two colored squared cards. The game goes much faster. I learned this one from my mother, as an adult. I had no idea that she had been CHEATING my entire childhood. brilliant.
ReplyDeleteOh my soul....what happened to naps?? You poor thing!
ReplyDeleteYes it's true, naps are a thing of the past around here. They started getting resistant to them around the time of their 4th birthday, and got to the point where if they napped they be up until 10pm (or later). Ugh. If they don't nap, they're asleep at 7pm. We can still push for naps if we know they have to be up late for a party or whatever, but for the most part their day goes from 7am to 7pm.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne: I think it was 70 degrees yesterday, and yes our community pool is heated year round (although I never knew that until I had kids who were crazy enough to want to swim in it when it wasn't summer time). Funny!
ReplyDeleteEmily: Quiet time, ahhhhhh. It doesn't happen very often around here (shocker, I know), but we do have it. If the girls are behaving (like they were yesterday) we just go about our day. But if they're getting really rough with each other, misbehaving, or just generally causing a huge commotion, then I separate them and enforce quiet play time. They act like I'm killing them when I make them play in different rooms, but the noise level instantly drops to nothing. I don't usually have them go to their rooms for extended quiet times because invariable one will fall asleep and they get all out of sync. Then I've got one who was awake all day and wants to be asleep at 7pm and one who napped and wants to be up partying until 10pm. And I don't get any downtime...
ReplyDeleteI am green with envy as I see you enjoying part of your day poolside..... I am staring out the window at two feet of snow:(
ReplyDeleteI think after that day, you deserved the whole bottle of wine....not just a glass!!
I am quite envious of your "pool weather"! What I wouldn't give for a sunny beach right now! Please continue to share your opinions on the "point and shoot" camera search. I too am searching for a good one.
ReplyDeleteTheir hair is so long! And wow, they are become such beautiful little women!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how long their hair is getting, that's crazy!!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! I am jealous of your warm weather. Where did you get the adorable pink ruffle suit? We are still months away from needing a swimsuit, but it is never to early to start looking!
ReplyDeleteWow. I am speechless (I know you are surprised) It looks so warm there. Sun. Swimsuits. Water. BLUE SKY!!!! So jealous. Wish bed time came at 7 p.m. around here. That is only a dream for me. Our daddy is leaving tomorrow for 8 days...warmer climate for him.
ReplyDeleteSome games that are fun and are not Candyland (which is not permitted in my home):
ReplyDeleteGo Away Monster
Max the Cat (this is a cooperative game, which is also nice - you're all playing to beat the game, which usually happens but not always)
There's a Moose in the House
Gulo Gulo (dexterity game - yours may be a little young to understand the rules, but they seem plenty dextrous enough)
You are such a great mom. Whenever I see posts about "being in the moment" and "enjoying the children" I always think of you. Even when you're tired you make it a fun day for the girls. Way cool!
ReplyDeleteMae (4.5) really likes this EBOO game (any of the EBOO games are pretty sweet) where you dress a paperdoll. It is easy enough that she can play it with her friends or a brother - no mommy required (although I sort of like it too, the first or second time through.) It's here: http://www.toysandgifts.com/store/toy/paper-doll-game.html
Hope you have a restful day today!
Cute post -- and a few asked the same questions that were flying around in my head yesterday (naps/quiet time).
ReplyDeleteHang in there and glad to see you enjoyed your sunny day - atleast the extended forecast is warm!