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Saturday, May 14, 2011

I did not enjoy parenting yesterday

The girls were so ornery yesterday I don’t even know what to say. They were ultra-hyper, suffered from extremely selective hearing, did pretty much everything they’re not allowed to do, and finally one of them distracted me while the other one opened the built-in drawers in their closet and used them as stairs, resulting in broken really-freaking-expensive drawers. TubaDad just got home from a week-long business trip (yes, I recognize the connection) and we took Ro and Ree out to an early dinner. Well that was a colossal lapse of judgment on our parts. They wouldn’t stay in their seats, got food everywhere, and YELLED every sentence, despite our vigilant (and exhausting) best efforts. I rate that dining experience an "M” – for miserable.

Then, suddenly, on the drive home we had silencegoldensilence. Not because they miraculously decided to give us a break, but because they both passed out in their carseats sometime around 6:15 -- can’t even remember the last time that happened.IMG_0098LR

We carried them upstairs to bed, locked them in (kidding), dished up the last remaining slice of Baskin Robbins Mother’s Day cake, and heaved ourselves onto the couch where we watched a movie.

So, did anyone else have a couch-coma-inducing parenting moment this week? And what was your antidote of choice – chocolate, wine, cake, or something even better than I must immediately stock up on?


  1. I have days like this frequently.

  2. I have one right this very moment.

  3. I don't even have kids, and I have those moments (they usually involve knitting projects and/or ornery customers at the shop).

    The densest chocolate fudge cake and a super-deep Cabernet induces the right combination of euphoria and coma for me.

  4. I have a blog post about to be published (whenIcanfindsomefreakingtimeinbetweentoddlertantrums) in which I write that I am sure that wine was invented by a mom of twin toddlers. Just sayin'. Some days, I feel like all I say is "NO!" and "STOP BULLYING YOUR SISTER/BROTHER!". Sigh...

  5. That picture is awesome love the blanket. You pretty much described my every day. And that is why I can't seem to shed this last 10 lbs of baby weight. I'm addicted to chocolate.
    And I force them to watch tv when they get really bad and I can't take it anymore. : )

  6. Chocolate WINE!!!! Nuff Said....

  7. I've had days like that in the classroom! ;)

    I hope today is a better day for you all.

  8. i was outnumbered 5 to 1 this week and cherry chocolate chip ice cream with a blackberry izzy is my drug of choice.

    right there with ya in the trenches..

  9. I haven't had one this week, but I've had my share. I tend to lean toward chocolate if it is available. Coma-inducing reality TV is also helpful.

  10. Oh yes! Had a few "not-enjoying-this-mommy-thing" days. A port wine with Sees Nuts and Chews candies and a good chick-flick while my husband takes them out for...anything that is out of the house.

    If we lived closer, we could make an evening of it!

  11. There are definitely days like that, especially with two. That's when you just have to get from breakfast to bedtime without losing it and know that the next day will probably be much better.


  12. Anonymous5/14/2011

    Sounds like one of those restaurant trips where you want to excuse yourself and find another table by yourself in another part of the restaurant pretending you do not even know the kids. I feel for you as it is times 2.

    I think enjoying a pint of your favorite ice cream eaten slowly in their company is the way to go here. Sometimes punishment needs to be self-indulgent.

  13. Oh yes, my girls have had this day, and more than once. It's a MAYDAY! MAYDAY! kind of day. I find solace in early bedtimes, red wine, and on occasion, maybe even a rack of ribs if it's a weekend.

    Wishing for you a quieter weekend. And an inexpensive drawer repair!

  14. D@ilay's makes these freezer pouches of ready to drink, mind numbing concoctions. I make to sure to always have several in the freezer for days just like yours.

  15. Well it was Friday the 13th. I am about to post about my husband's day yesterday with our daughter, who appeared to be on meth. Good thing we had wine in the house, because the guy deserved a couple of glasses. Unlike your duo, our bundle of energy did not fall asleep until 11:00 p.m. :)

  16. Bless your heart. I totally understand!

    Fall semester (2009) was like that for me--the whole time, august through December. DH was on his last few months of deployment #4, family too far away to help, and homeschooling.

    Hope today was better!

  17. OH my gosh! That was today! Maybe it was the rain, or the upcoming birthday and high pressure family dinner that DH and were all keyed up for, but it all fell down about 2 hours ago. We medicated with wine and I am in jammies ready to head to bed at the perfect hour of 9:20 now. Good luck and at least we are not alone!

  18. Oh too often we have days here at Chez Maisie which are just like yours. Why is it that the kids get more wound up when they're super tired, just don't understand that one.

    Hope today was a better day.

  19. Yes I have those moments. I have a girly who gets more hyper the closer she gets to bedtime and a Mommy who is often tired by that time of day which can lead to some less than stellar mommy moments.

    My 'go to' snacks are normally chocolate and chips....or, chips dipped in chocolate are even better!

  20. Anonymous5/14/2011

    Oh, I am SO glad you posted this. We had a M day, too. Nice to know everyone has these sorts of days. And you know, M loves company.

  21. It must be a twin thing ;), more often then not, my girls don't get tired, they get wired tired, then crash.

  22. some days are just like that. That is why they invented chocolate.

  23. Anonymous5/15/2011

    I had Miss 5 tell me today that she hates me because I wouldn't help her tidy her room. I think she should save the "H" word for something really serious! I told her that was fine, I still love her but she still needs to go tidy her room.

  24. Barbara5/15/2011

    ...I don't to laugh or cry...cry w/for you and your day OR laugh at the 'appeared to be on meth" comment of one of the posters.

    The good days outweigh the bad, tho, no?

  25. Anna in IL5/15/2011

    Hope they're better now. The falling asleeP early coupled with the out-of-character behavior makes me think you had feverish girls the next day. :(

  26. I would have pulled out the big guns to deal with a day such as yours:


    Buckets full.

    The stronger the better.

  27. We had one of those weird days on Thursday. She (same age as yours) would NOT get out of the car for soccer practice and was screaming crying because I didn't bring her soccer shirt. Mind you she has NEVER worn that shirt for practice. The only reason I didn't bail after 7+ minutes of this is because I wanted to see my friends at this last practice :>

    When I finally reached my friends I announced that I had just witnessed PMS. YIKES!! (My guess is that the end of kindergarten and "the last" practice, show, lesson, etc. is taking it's toll.)

    We (parents) watched this video on an iPhone and all had a great giggle.


    It's a hilarious monologue on sex education. (Mom vs. 8 year old girl).


  28. Oh yes...many days like those here too...my solution is wine ice cream from Mercer Dairy in NY...the chocolate cabernet is amazing!!!

  29. Anonymous5/15/2011


    When poor behavior starts in public, give a brief reminder (e.g. 18" voice, remain seated.)

    Leave (i.e. take-out) if they start it up again. If they really can't control themselves at that time, teach them to find quiet/solitude/low stimulation
    to recoup.

    I know it's much easier said than done - been there . . .

  30. Anonymous5/16/2011

    hah! We had a rough day yesterday with our twins. I was feeling like a horrible parent today and decided to look at some other parents of twinadoe blogs to inspire me to be a better parent. Came across your post of your M day/evening and laughed out loud. My girls went to bed at 6:40 last night!

  31. So glad to read this post. We had the tantrum of tantrums tonight for nothing other than getting pj's on. We never had terrible twos or 3's but the feisty fours are (seemingly) upon us. I have chosen red wine as my calming elixir.
