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Friday, June 27, 2014

Not one but TWO golden anniversaries

My folks and TubaDad’s folks both* celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries this month! Congratulations, that is an awesome milestone and a wonderful example. (*Our parents got married exactly one week apart from each other and then had TubaDad and I one day apart. Funny, huh?)

Ma and Pa were treated to an exciting weekend away with dinner at a fave restaurant and a night of NBA championship fun:10390053_781618688537748_2800547669226985658_n10462762_781621591870791_3086505652628022207_n

And BobBob and Wela were floored to walk outside and find their friends who had been in their wedding party back in the sixties. DSC_1894LRsDSC_1896LRsDSC_1903LRsDSC_1919LRsDSC_1923LRsDSC_1971LRsDSC_1974LRsIMG_4226LRs

Good times! Happy golden anniversaries to Ma and Pa and to BobBob and Wela!


  1. How awesome is that! Congrats to both couples. Popster & I will be celebrating our 50th this november.

  2. That's awesome!! 2 great celebrations!! How neat that they were married the same week and then you were born only 1 day apart. Cool!

    Congatations Ma & Pa, Wela & Bob Bob!!!

  3. Anonymous6/28/2014

    What a wonderful tribute! Did you organize the events?

  4. Congrats to both sets of parents and how exciting to go to a championship game! I hope they were at the game on June 15th when our San Antonio Spurs won the championship! I GO SPURS GO

  5. Anonymous7/13/2014

    So sweet!
