Um, TubaDad? Remember last week when you bought your third pair of golf shoes and we got into that "discussion" about how I have too many shoes and I insisted that I only had one of each *kind* of shoe? Well, that might not have been quite accurate. Since you're out of town this weekend I did a little retail therapy. And when I unpacked the car I was mildly surprised to find 2 new pairs of black sandals. Oops. Now they're very different, but still... It got me thinking. So I decided to count how many black shoes I have, and found, well, 26.
Now before you get all amped, they are all very different and have very different purposes:
1. cool toe strap sandals from claire (that I can only sit in but god are they cute)
2&3. Two mules (tall for my jeans that are too long, and flat for dressy city stuff where we might *gasp* have to walk)
4. Teva's (for hiking near a river, if I were ever to hike)
5 & 6. Two loafers (funky ones for trying to blend in with the city crowd & suede ones that still have the price stickers)
7-10. Four slides (one standard, one with tall wedge heels that wimps like me can actually walk in, one I wore to my bro's wedding in the 90s--good lord, and one I *had* to buy the day I needed a pedicure and was wearing close-toed shoes)
11. striped skechers heels (love, love, love them with everything!)
12-13. Two easy spirit slides that are old and stinky and I will throw away immediately (how embarrassing)
14. kick-ass black strappy dress sandals (I will cry when they finally die)
15-19. boots (knee-high ones I forgot about, ankle ones, mid-calf ones for when I don't want to be a loser and wear the ankle boots every damn day, last year's boots that I will throw away now, perfect cowboy boots from college)
20. water socks (shoes you wear *in* the water)
21-23. Three mystery pairs still in taped boxes from the previous time I moved
24. clark's sandals (ahhh, just like slippers)
25-26: Two pairs flip flops (grey cat thinks they're chew toys)
Anyone else care to tell how many pairs of black shoes you have? And if you feel like it, please explain to TubaDad how they are different from each other in very important ways. I'm guessing 26 isn't that many, and besides I probably don't wear half of them (yes Maggie, that probably means I should purge a little).