Friday, May 26, 2006
April showers bring May flowers (11 referrals)
Introducing the best kind of May flowers, the beautiful referral pictures. Congratulations to all the families who looked at their new daughters' faces for the first time this week!
1. Audrey & Rachel (Rachel)
2. Talicee's Journey (Talicee)
3. Hollis Family (Lilliana)
4. Journey to Emerson (Emerson)
5. The Story of You (Tabi Mei)
6. Kadie Alissa (Kadie)
7. Tarpy Family (Emeili Rose)
8. Our Journey to Addison Claire (Addison)
9. Carol's Adoption from China (Kate)
10. Baby Richardson (Sun)
11. Shealin Fu Ling (Shealin)
* Please email me with any other web sites (email address in sidebar at right). If you'd like us to post your referral info & pics (like Kadie Alissa above), just email the info to us and we'll happily post it.
This referral group included families with LIDs from June 7 through June 15 (9 days of LIDs) and these families waited an average of 11.6 months. (Click on referral tracker image to see larger version.)