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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Settling in for a looooooong weekend

Our agency is expecting to receive their referral package tomorrow, then they'll spend about a day translating and triple-checking everything, and (if everything goes as planned) we'll get the call Monday morning. Yowza! Wooooo, feeling a little spacey... Can't get my head around this. I drove home from dinner tonight in such a daze. At one point it felt like someone else was driving and I was just watching. Hoo boy, that's safe, huh? I know we've been waiting for this for 568 days so far, but it suddenly feels like it's moving too fast. This isn't something you can ever really mentally prepare for, is it? I've been sitting here all evening thinking "But! But! But...!" I can't concentrate on anything (except that bag of Oreos sitting on the desk). And I can't get anything done. Oh well, it's not like there's anything critical I have to get done this weekend, just hang out with friends and family, go to sleep and wake up, go to sleep and wake up, then pick up that phone on Monday and say "hello?" Gah! I bet TubaDad will have to answer the phone, I won't even be able to control my limbs at that point. Oh well, might as well go watch a movie, 'cause I'm not sleeping tonight. If you want something to look at too, here are the results of the Funshine poll (voting is now closed). Two hundred and seven of you voted, with the most popular guesses turning out to be: 1 girl, 9 months old, from Jiangxi, weighing an average of 16.6 pounds. We'll see who wins on Monday (besides us, of course!). **Update: I can't believe I almost forgot to mention this -- check out the little wooden ladybug and "ladybug sighting" sign we got in the mail a few days ago. It's totally anonymous, and the postmark is hidden by the stamps, so I can't tell who sent it. Pretty good timing my secret friend!