Blogamigas traveled from all over the place to converge on Salt Lake City and laugh, hug, and feast on delicious food. My eyes just lit up when I saw Lisa S, Lisa W, Tiffany, and Julie again, and then to be able to meet Catherine for the first time, and to watch little Ro & Ree, Tess, Maisie, and Eliza play together and hear them laugh -- well it was enough to make this tough girl a little weepy.
We also got the chance to meet a whole passel of fun, friendly local adoptive parents at a party hosted by the vivacious Tawni. Wow, that was one cool evening! Lisa W and Tiffany were such wonderful hostesses. They took fabulous care of everyone -- planning fun activities, making sure we all got where we were supposed to be (dang GPS kept tripping me up), feeding us amazing food, and just generally exuding warmth and kindness. I don't know what was better, seeing all the kiddos together each day, or talking with the other mamas and mamas-to-be until all hours every night.
All my worries about the girls were unfounded. Ro and Ree traveled like absolute champs, and they SLEPT!!! We'd been talking up the "Utah hotel" and their "Utah beds" for weeks now, playing with the pack'n'play, practicing packing the suitcase with their special things, playing with our toy airplane and where we would all sit, and saying over and over how we would all 4 go to Utah, would sleep in a hotel, and then we would all 4 come home. So maybe something clicked? Who knows. All I know is that they had a ball the entire trip. They're still talking about Tess! May! and E! and they thought the whole thing was a grand adventure from start to finish. Whew.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for a kick-butt time. I can't wait to see you all again soon, and don't forget that our guest room is always ready for visitors. Here is our official Red Couch Photo, and here's the smaller crew (we didn't get a big group photo at Tawni's bash, dang it).

And you can view the rest of the good times pics all on two pages (click "next" at the bottom of the 1st page) or in an auto slideshow (click "i" on the first slide to turn on captions):

By the way, TubaDad wins Husband-of-the-Year. First, he knew I really wanted to meet up with everyone in Utah but was too chicken to travel with the twinadoes on my own (bok bok bok). So he said he'd go with me, help with the travel and evenings, and then hang out and golf the rest of the time. Love him!! That alone was stellar. But, then he really went over the top. He was on a business trip and missed the flight home on Thursday, so he hopped on a flight to LA, rented a car and drove all night to our house, just so he could be 100% certain to make that Friday morning Utah flight with us. He got home at 7am, took a quick shower, loaded our luggage into the minivan, and away we went. I am seriously not worthy!