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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hey TubaDad, the good news is that you don't have to give the girls a bath tonight

The bad news is that I was folding laundry today when my Spidey Sense went off. (Do you remember that phrase from the 70s? I know my brother does, we used to watch that show everyday when we were kids.) I glanced up to see that our angelic little girls -- who just seconds before had been sweetly playing with their stuffed animals and babydoll strollers on the lawn -- had found the rain-filled sandbox. And they weren't just looking at it. There was a trail of discarded dress-up shoes and wet clothes all around the sandbox, and the girls were shrieking with glee as they rolled around in the filthy, sandy, tanbark-strewn water. DSC_0723_s DSC_0746_s DSC_0750_s DSC_0762_s DSC_0779_s Well the laundry never got finished, and I don't even need to tell you that Ro and Ree thoroughly enjoyed themselves, right? Anyhow, just thought I'd let you know before you came home and wondered why the downstairs shower was full of tanbark.


  1. Anonymous2/19/2009

    So funny! They are a rip!

  2. Yuck! Only little kids would be thrilled with this. It looks like it smelled, too. Perhaps they need to be introduced to a true Spa mud-bath. They appear ready for it!

  3. Oh yeah...mine did something so similar last year. It was so gross except mine didn't take off their jeans.

  4. Too funny! Well will make for good memories in their teens.

  5. Oh my goodness!

    They are something else! Good thing you're such a great mom.

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Miss Lila in Atlanta

  6. The joys of being a child! (and not so much for mommy)

  7. OMG! Haha to cute and funny at the same time. Thankfully you where calm enough to grab the camera first THEN snatch them outta the muddy mess!

    Have fun cleaning the bottom of your shower! :)

  8. I *still* remember doing this as a child!!! Mud Pies G.a.l.o.r.e. :)

    You *are* a fun mom!!! Mine just yelled at me ;)

    Snick :)
    dd Sunshine 7 3/4 Viet Nam
    dd Brilliance 2 3/4 China

  9. Anonymous2/19/2009

    And you thought the baths were at Calistoga! Marlayna

  10. Oh my. LOLOL! This is cute simply for the fact that they aren't my girls. :-)

  11. Did my wife stop them? Noooo, she grabbed the camera! That's what makes it fun around here a lot of the time!

    Too funny.

  12. I love it!!!!

    What fun your girls had today.

  13. Oh my, but oh so fun for the girls!!

  14. See... This is how I know - without having to meet you - that you are a better mother than me. Why do I feel like having a panic attack when I see them in there?!? HAHA!!

    I'm working on it....

    They are the most precious girls. Lovin' life.

  15. That is so funny!! And in true blogger fashion you grabbed the camera first and cleaned them up after you captured the moment......another priceless moment!


  16. Um, TubaDad, I thought you were on a conference call? ;-) Yes, it's true, I grabbed the camera instead of stopping them (a sure sign that I'm laughing instead of truly ticked off). I figured they couldn't get any wetter, so they might as well enjoy themselves and whooboy did they.

  17. Oh life is good! That is the sweet life in pictures! Glad you grabbed the camera!!!

  18. Hilarious that you grabbed the camera! ;)

    I totally remember that phrase and still use it...

  19. And like every responsible mom, your first thought was "quick, which lens should I use to take the best pictures?"

    Love it - and they look like they had fun :-)

  20. Hilarious!! Sure glad your spidey sense went off when it did!! I remember making mud pies when I was a kid and it was a ton of fun! Can only imagine how much better a romp in the sandy pool would be!! What a great mom....she doesn't get upset, she grabs the camera!!

  21. Looks like it was a lot of fun for the girls.

  22. Looks like it was a lot of fun for the girls.

  23. I love that you took pictures instead of scolding them.

    Keep smilin!

  24. D2: To be completely honest, my first thought was "I'm going to need some fortifying chocolate before dealing with this." So I went to the cupboard and downed a handful of chocolate chips, then grabbed the camera and walked over and started snapping pics of the chaos. And TubaDad, if you're reading this, we really need more (and better) chocolate in the house.

  25. Looks to me like they were getting a head start on their new jacuzzi-style, exfoliating spa business venture.

    Unless they are bleeding, the camera should be the first course of action. Then cleaning up. Memories are made from these times so capture the memories first. Clean later.

    PS: Saw something on TV tonight about Mo's Bacon Bar. Chocolate bar with bacon. Thought of you.

  26. NOthing like going to bed after a good, no make that great, laugh!

  27. oh the JOYS of childhood~! wish i could remember those days better!!

  28. Anonymous2/20/2009

    I don't suppose you could have just hosed them down?

  29. Anonymous2/20/2009

    Love it! I love you let them be kids :-)

  30. Anonymous2/20/2009

    Love it! I love you let them be kids :-)

  31. Ah- yes,the joys of being 3

  32. This is what being a kid is all about!!! What would we do without cameras!!

  33. It could have been worse.....they could have been playing in the sand box with little cat turds !!!

    That water does look gross though. Hopefully no days of quick steps to the bathroom are in their immeidate future.

  34. That looks like alot of fun...I am the choc/camera grabbin' type myself. Hubby is more of the "OMG They're dirty!" type. Thought for the future..A garden hose beats a dirty shower everytime...at least for the big pieces.

  35. I love it!
    My motto is always "pictures first, questions later"!
    It worked until my 3 year old started being naughty and saying "you gonna take my picture"? (I still had to stop myself from laughing!)

  36. That is priceless! I can only imagine what Mary Joyce would get into if there were 2 of her. She would fit right in with your duo.

  37. M3,

    I need your patience. I don't know what I would have done? I love your sense of humor and your outlook!! The girls are growing to be beautiful, gracious and spontaneous!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!


  38. YOU need an industrial strength, supersize tub of OXI CLEAN!

  39. Anonymous2/20/2009

    The Salsa Twins - proving that you're never too you to start exfoliating.

  40. Just recently came across your blog and think Ro and Ree are adorable. These pictures are too funny. We adopted our twin daughters from South Korea and they are maybe 6-9 months younger than Ro and Ree. It's a glimmer of things to come for us, I guess!

  41. It must be pretty warm there...I think Eliza would get frostbite if she were to play in our sandbox right now! I can't wait for spring!

  42. Thank goodness....mine aren't the only ones. :-) Last week our little escapade included the grease catcher from the grill.
