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Friday, March 20, 2009

"Nooooooooooo, I don't wanna chocolate milkshake!"

Wow, didn't think I'd ever hear those words coming from anyone in our family. This time they came from Ro and Ree, and it was because I had the audacity to show up for preschool pickup without their customary snack bags and suggest that we hit the drive-through on the way home and share a milkshake instead. It's just that I was reallyreallyreally tired, so I skipped snack-bag prep just this once and thought the girls wouldn't even notice when offered a rare-but-highly-prized milkshake as a substitute. But instead Ro was near tears and little Ree kept throwing her arms out to the side and saying "no deal, mama, no deal!" It was kinda funny. It got even funnier when the teacher tried in vain to help me out by convincing the girls that milkshakes really were tasty. Ah well... The drama ended when I promised the agitated girls that we'd go right home and make snack bags the second we walked in the door. Sheesh. Won't make that mistake again. I guess they really do count on those little bags o' love. DSC_2523 DSC_2529 In case you're curious, I make these dang snack bags for every preschool pickup and have since the girls started school (holy moly, I think that's something like 400 snack bags so far!). The ingredients are different each day -- that's half the fun for the girls -- but the types of things are always the same. There's usually some protein, something crunchy, non-sugary cereal as filler, some non-messy fruit or veggie, and a treat. In the beginning, the bags were just another element of the "mama always comes back" concept (see girls, I always come back, and while I'm gone I'm making you little surprise bags!), then later they became a great way to keep the girls awake on the drive home (if they fell asleep in the car, naptime was completely hosed), and then, as the girls became pickier eaters, the bags were a great way for them to get a little nutrition if they turned up their noses at the preschool lunch. In any case, I've always done them, and, if the milkshake riot was any indication, I guess I always will. PS: My mom will complain up a storm if all I post is "a couple of measly pictures of some boring food" so here are a few extra pics of the girls:


  1. Anonymous3/20/2009

    I was looking at the pictures of them in their princess dress-up outfits and thinking how beautiful they will be when they are older and headed off to their prom. Then I came to the picture of Ro and you said the same thing. If we are both thinking it, it must be true! Funny!


  2. They are so precious, and are so funny. I like your snack packs:) You are a Wonderful Mom:)

  3. Anonymous3/20/2009

    My girls are the same way. I bring fruit juice with me when I pick them up from school (I have 2 year old twin girls). If I forget it I better hope to the high heavens that I have a chocolate kiss in my purse. Otherwise getting in our carseats is almost impossible. Well, sometimes its impossible even w/ juice and chocolate bribes! ;)

    I'm not sure if I have ever commented here before but I wanted to say I love your blog! Your girls are amazingly cute!!

  4. Guess the girls are getting fussy if they're refusing chocolate milk shakes...did you take their temps just to be sure all was right in the world? Guess snack bags make all right with the world in the girl's eyes. Cute princess dresses.

  5. Hey girl, love the snack bag ideas, but why don't you use plastic containers??? (you know, go green?)

  6. Stacey -- I have no idea why I didn't think of that!!! I sure as heck have enough cute little bento and other plastic containers just hanging around the house. Alrighty -- here's to going green for the next 400 snack bags. :-)

  7. Well, this is all your fault. If you didn't make up such adorable little snack bags, you wouldn't be having this problem, missy.


    P.S. Please start saving now, so Ree can go to law school and become an entertainment lawyer. She was born to it.

  8. Anonymous3/20/2009

    #3rd one the charm isn't it??? I said the same thing to myself when i saw there pics....beautiful young ladies they surely will be....TubaDad better get his ballbat out early and practice up...i think he will need it for sure !!! They are absolutely beautiful!!!

  9. Imagine that, turning down chocolate??!! I guess change is difficult, especially when you get such yummy and adorable snack bags from Mom!!

  10. Such a cute little tradition you have. I should really follow your lead! I want to be like you when I grow up!

  11. Heh...love your girls to pieces but have to put down my foot when they turn downa chocolate milkshake in favour of a treat bag. What were they thinking????

    Speaking of milkshakes - did we ever fit in ours? First time we ended up with Frosty's (what were we thinking??) and the next trip the girls insisted on staying awake even though we'd pumped up the temp to 84o in the van.

    Hmmm, just one more reason friend. Just one more reason! :o)

  12. Yeah, I had a bunch of boxes of vanilla milk in the car for emergencies. When I pick her up from daycare now the first thing she asks is if I brought her vanilla milk. And if Eric picks her up, she expects cheese.

  13. So much for your "Mother of the Year" award. Snort.

  14. Anonymous3/20/2009

    I love your snack bag mixes! Mine are always only 1 type of snack. What a great idea.

  15. I love your blog. I think you are the most awesome mommy and the girls are just adorable. I wish my babies were still little. It's so much fun. Alas, they're grown and moved out. Enjoy your time with your precious family!:)

  16. Anonymous3/21/2009

    I want someone to pick me up from work with a snack bag! :)

  17. Hi there,

    This is a totally unrelated subject but I just wanted to give you a heads-up on an upcoming show on migraine headaches.
    This is a daily show (you probably know it - I think it's on ABC) and the show will be aired this coming Wednesday. Hope it helps.


  18. Measley food? Lemme tell ya, I for one am always interested in the measley food pictures. Feeding toddlers/preschoolers is a big deal to me. Thanks for posting the snack bags! I know just what I'm going to do with mine.

  19. That is so funny how addicted they are to your snack bags. I guess you cannot go to far away from the everyday routine.

  20. What a GREAT idea! I am hosed also if my kids fall asleep in the car. My two oldest are in elementary school now, but I will have to keep that in mind for when my virtual twins start preschool next year!!

  21. What a wonderful idea! My son's pre-school has a large basket of individually packaged crackers in their foyer, so he always heads to that basket on the way out. But I like the snack-bag idea much better!

    Although I'm still wondering if the girls weren't fevered...no to chocolate milkshakes??? Who's kids are these?

  22. Anonymous3/22/2009

    Long time follower, love your blog! The girls are beautiful! I thought you might want to check out the GapKids website. While perusing for a new swimsuit for my little one, I noticed this great line of clothing they call "dance" (or something similiar), and I noticed they have these fabulous tulle skirts in many colors, including PINK and YELLOW! I will post anonymously so that TubaDad cannot lay any blame on me when he sees the bill....JK, they are actually pretty reasonable!

  23. That is so funny! Isn't amazing how kids depend on a routine. Heck, I depend on my snack too, but I would quickly add a milkshake to my schedule.

  24. I love to read your comments about what your mom will say about your blog posts. Too funny!!!

  25. I love to read your comments about what your mom will say about your blog posts. Too funny!!!

  26. Hey there supermom!

    I was just about to comment re: the bags but Stacey beat me to it.

    If the girls don't go for it maybe have them pick out a special after school treat container.

    They are such big girls now!!! We'll be out there this summer visiting and we'd love to see all of you :)


  27. Anonymous3/25/2009

    I love her shirt! MORE TUBA!
