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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Reflections on MY relaxing weekend (by TubaDad)

I'm overdue with my post about the weekend alone with the Twinados. Don't worry - they didn't break me. We had a great time!

The girls were very active as usual, so I adopted a tried and true strategy: keep them moving and keep them busy!

Saturday morning we ran a couple of errands after M3 took off for Napa, and then went out for Mexican food for lunch before we all three took a good nap. After we got up we went to see Wela and BobBob at a BBQ with one of their groups. We got home a little late, and the girls went right to sleep for the night.

Sunday morning, the girls wanted to go to a favorite park and to the farmer's market. We made it to the park, but spent so much time climbing, hiking, riding the train, and chasing ducks in a creek that we didn't make it to the farmer's market. One of the girls told M3 that we "went to the park for 10 hours today" but it was really only about 3 hours. Here are a few videos of the girls showing off some new tricks at the park:

The girls were very good over the weekend, and they were pretty predictable with their behavior. They really liked riding around in my car, and made quite a mess! A year ago the weekend would have been a lot more tiring, but now that they are fully mobile and kind of listen to what they are supposed to be doing it's a lot of fun. They missed M3, but knew she wouldn't be gone for long.

 I'm off on another business trip, but M3 has a visitor who the girls all love to have around. They are having so much fun they might not even notice I'm gone!


  1. What a great treat....hanging with Daddy for the weekend!! Looks like lots of fun was had by all! Way to go Tuba Dad!!

    We're holding down the fort here at home. Hope you're having a great trip!!

  2. Monkey bars... not for the feint of heart.

    They're pretty good for their ages, though. That's a long reach when you've got little bitty arms.


  3. Anonymous6/17/2009

    Hooray for you, Tuba Dad! You made it sound easy and smooth. I bet M3 is impressed! :)

    Lynn (mom to Grace)


  4. Thanks for your post, TubaDad. It looks like everyone had a fun weekend (if not relaxing)!

  5. Anonymous6/17/2009

    Thanks for bringing the girls to the T BBQ. Everyone loved seeing how they have grown.


  6. Way to go, TubaDad! And thanks for posting the videos!

    We need to plan our next trip to CasaSalsa as well... envious that Catherine is getting to enjoy the Twinados.

  7. Way to go!!! I'm seriously impressed. Did I mention that I'm going to Napa with the girlfriends once a month from now on? Hee. Just kidding.
