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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh now the little varmint is just taunting us

TubaDad got another really good picture of our nighttime visitor. This time he was lounging on our fence—perhaps waiting for his supper to be delivered? DSC_0856m We're going to get one of those humane traps and relocate the little fellow. But it will have to wait until next week, because TubaDad and I are heading off on Thursday for a brief trip to Cancun. It's an adults-only resort (a work-related thing), so the girls are going to spend some quality time with my folks. I don't know who's more excited. In the meantime, does anyone have any good naming suggestions for the varmint?


  1. Anonymous7/07/2009

    I'm sure you have already named him several times but can't print the names on the blog. I suggest naming him "the lone stranger" because he wears a mask. Pa

  2. I love his look of chagrin and disgust -- probably at the lack of customer service at this culinary establishment.

    It's so hard to get a good meal, served with a cheery disposition.



  3. Anonymous7/08/2009


  4. Have you seen "Over the Hedge?" It's a very cute animated movie that you'd all enjoy under the circumstances. :)

    Have a great time in Cancun!

  5. he is definitely a 'Zorro'!!!

  6. I think he is waiting for the tacos with loads of salsa to be served. He isn't planning on leaving you a tip, by the way.

    How about Fast Freddy? He's in, he's out and you almost never saw him.

  7. Okay, this photo made me laugh out loud... like the "lone stranger" name.
    Hope you have a great trip!

  8. We named a raccoon over at my blog a few weeks ago. Sharing a few of my favorite suggestions from the ever creative folks there:

    Oscar (cuz he likes trash) - from Amie
    Bulwinkle (because Rocky is too obvious) - from Kiy
    get-the-hell-outta-my-yard - from Sarah, who obviously felt a tad peeved on my behalf
    Cujo - from our Canadian friend Rhonda
    Cheney (because neither one will go away) - from Veronica Mitchell

  9. I think relocation is a good idea for that little fellow. He looks like he's there for the long haul, but if you were me, then I'd just be thrilled that someone enjoyed my cooking enough to keep coming back for more.

  10. I LOVED this picture!! I showed Nani the picture of the raccoon and asked her what we should name it -- and no surprise -- she said Scuttle (from The Little Mermaid -- go figure!) Hope you can gently persuade him to go bother someone else!

    Have a fantastic vacation!

    ~ Jennifer

  11. How about Tonto? Surely he swiped the Lone Ranger's mask when he wasn't lookin'.

  12. I say Bandit or Zoro!

  13. Best name I have seen so far is "get-the-hell-outta-my-yard"....

  14. TM, I still think Cujo is a GREAT name. :P

  15. No names for ya but just wanted to tell you to have a fab trip!!! Enjoy every minute!

  16. Anonymous7/08/2009

    Fabio or (my favorite) Kato (for Kato Kaelin) cuz your guy is such a playboy freeloader.

  17. How about Booger Smoot, which happens to be my nickname for my 21 year old son who doesn't seem to be in a hurry to go anywhere either! Have a nice trip and when you get back, tell us all how that relaxation thing works, exactly!
    Don't feel bad, but I don't think the girls are going to miss you guys!

  18. ras⋅cal [ras-kuhl]–noun -
    2. a mischievous person or animal: That child is a real rascal.

    Rascal has my vote! Have fun in the sun!! :)

  19. I think "gonzo" might be a good name since he will be gone soon. (humanely of course :)

  20. He's a cute guy. I think you've already named him. Varmint.

  21. Sooooo funny he is waiting.

  22. How about Antonio Banderas! Also, thank you for the video of the girls jumping in the pool! My daughter watched it on 7/1 and now she never wants to get out of the pool! They made it look like too much fun to pass up.

  23. Bandit gets my vote!

    Now, for the REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF....Who is going to be blogging all the adventures of the girlies while you're away??

    PS - I think the 'removal of Bandit' has BobBob's name written all over it!!

  24. Have fun in Cancun! Best of luck on the visitor front. We had an opossum a while back. We later realized she was hanging around becuase she was getting ready to give birth. She finally moved on.

  25. Sheryl7/08/2009

    I was going to say Bandit.

  26. Stinky Pete. It is the perfect varmint name.

  27. That is the funniest picture. He seems like he owns the place. HAve fun on your trip!

  28. We had a raccoon that visited us regularioy when we were kids. Our family named him "Rascal" so I nominate that for you mischevious little guy!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  29. Anonymous7/08/2009

    He is just taking it easy cathing some rays...I think he looks like a Bandit too...though I must say his hands/feet/fingers/toes are freakin me out a bit...looks like hid nails need a trim!

    Have fun in the sun!

  30. Anonymous7/08/2009

    I say Meeko from the Disney movie Pochahontas.
    It was her raccoon friend. :)

    Carrie :)

  31. Anonymous7/08/2009

    Rascal....name him Rascal.
    Cancun huh, too bad. Try to suffer cheerfully.
    We'll be waiting to hear about your adventures in those cute flip-flops. :-0


  32. I had 2 pet raccoons as a child on my family's farm. We rescued them as babies after their Mommy was hit by a car. They were Rascal and Raisin, and we fed them with runt pig bottles and let them sleep in our baby doll beds. Our hunting dogs got loose the night we let them outside for the first time. Needless to say, I'm still grieving.

    Wow, Cancun. JEALOUS and so happy for you. You deserve it. Rest enough for all of us!


    Indiana Lori

  33. "Slick" sounds good and fitting to me! Have fun on the 'work related' vacation!

  34. Have a great trip and we'll miss you in SLC.

  35. Anonymous7/08/2009

    Elvis- Because he's fat and annoying, but oddly cute at the same time. And I bet he wouldn't turn down a peanut butter and banana sandwich!

  36. call him Rocky - Rocky Racoon!

    Enjoy the trip - you lucky ducky!

  37. Anonymous7/08/2009

    I like Meeko!

  38. Ok, I think he is soooooooo cute!!! We had a groundhog for a short time because its mother died. LiLi called it Pickles. I have no idea why Pickles but it fit and he (I think it was a boy???) was soooo cute!

    So for LiLi...PICKLES.

  39. I suggest naming him Salsa

  40. Anonymous7/09/2009

    How about "Mommy can we keep him?"

  41. 'The Tauntinator'.
    Have a great time in Cancun! Daddylicious and I spent 10 wonderful days there one July 6 years ago. Beautiful, beautiful place. Chichen Itza was breathtaking.

  42. Anonymous7/09/2009

    Ree and Rose's great-grandparents would warn you to be careful about naming critters. When we were kids and a stray animal came around, our parents would never let us name it because they said that when you named it, it meant that it was a part of the family and would stay around. I never did figure out whether they thought the animal took that as invitation to move on in, or if they thought my sisters and I would assume some ownership of the animal if we named it. I think they would have had some good laughs about names we gave to animals and they never knew about it. Who could resist naming a cute little critter?

