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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yes, I bought all of the school pictures, and I'll probably do it again

I'm a huge sucker for school pictures. I'm sure those people can see me coming a mile away and just start rubbing their hands together and thinking "Let's see, a sitting pose of the first kid, a standing pose of her, one of each of those for the second kid (I have no delusions that they can tell the girls apart), one of the two sitting together, one of the two standing together, a close-up of them together, wallets of everything, and uh, we'll just make up a few more combos as we go along. She'll buy them all, mwah ha ha!" Yes, I buy them all. And no, it's not like we don't have any other pictures of the girls... Oh well, here are the girls in their school pictures, on their first day of big-girl preschool. (Oh man, I just know Catherine is going to squeal on me here, so I'd better confess right now. Actually the portraits were taken on Ro and Ree's second day of big-girl preschool. It's just that I picked out these awesome, fun outfits for the first day of school. And then, when Catherine and I were dropping the girls off, we saw the notice about pictures the next day—so I dressed them in the exact same thing again the next day. Fine, now the whole world knows the truth.) SKMBT_C45109070811130LRs SKMBT_C45109070811170LR SKMBT_C45109070811140LR SKMBT_C45109070811150LRs SKMBT_C45109070811160LRs SKMBT_C45109070811171LRs The girls are looking a little rough in these shots, no one brushed their hair beforehand so it's a little stringy, I can tell by Ro's disheveled hair flower that she's been in a skirmish (probably, hopefully, with her sister), and the picture quality isn't that great (even before we scanned them in). But they're pretty true-to-life pictures of how the girls look about 15 minutes into any preschool day, and I love them. If the pictures had been taken an hour or two into preschool, by the way, you'd have seen the girls splattered with food, paint, mud, or water, and they'd have been minus their cute hair accessories (which would have been ripped out and discarded somewhere in the playyard). I don't even know how many hundreds of times I've picked them up from school and said "Well girls, it looks like you've been through a war, so I'm guessing you had a fun day." * Note: By the time you read this, TubaDad and I will be on a flight to Cancun, and my folks will be a few hours into their twinsitting adventure, which started with a visit to the pediatrician's this morning since Ro has a bad cold with a sore ear. Nothing like starting out with a bang, huh? I pre-wrote this post a couple of days ago and queued it up so my mom would have something to read late tonight. Lord knows she's not going to have any time to read during the day. Please cross your fingers for my folks and send them good thoughts for nice, calm, happy, healthy three-year-olds, ok? If they email me any pictures and/or updates I'll post them...


  1. I hope you are having a great time. I love those pics of the girls.

  2. Darling outfits, darling pics! I don't blame you for ordering the bunch. Have fun in Cancun!

  3. Anonymous7/09/2009

    OK today wela had to go to school and look at Pony pictures. I was told that I didn't have to buy any. I only bought 6, that's not too many. Is it?


  4. Didn't you know that as parents it is our duty to buy the pictures, no matter how they turn out? I think they look adorable, as usual. Who wants perfection, that does not make for good stories later. :)

    They had Pony pictures too? Things have changed since my son attended preschool.

    Have a great time in Cancun. Your parents seem as easy going and as sturdy as you and TubaDad. They will survive.

  5. I love those pictures! I can see why you HAD to buy them!!!

  6. Ummmmm............didn't you just set up something in the garage so you could take pictures exactly like this? They did turn out cute though. Love the outfits.

    Have a fabulous trip!

    Sending good thoughts to your parents!

  7. Great school pictures! I'm the same way... they're typically not that good, the quality isn't the greatest, my girl is usually a little disheveled, but I love them anyway. Have fun on vacay!

  8. Anonymous7/09/2009

    ohhh sosooo CUTE! i love the boots!

  9. Anonymous7/09/2009

    You can tell Marie's temperament from her facial expressions. She will be one of those kids who wears her emotions and attitude of her sleeve. No poker face for her.

    I have to say that while I think these pictures are adorable, your photography is actually much better.

  10. cute pics, but they should hire you. you are a much better photographer!

  11. Cute pictures, but the ones you take are WAAAY better! They look too...posed here. But I know what you mean I'm a total sucker too!

  12. Very cute!!! I sure can see why you bought them all!! I would have had a very hard time saying "no" to any of those pics!!!


  13. Wela and Bob Bob, you can do this no matter how tough it gets. Hold that thought, and, no matter what comes down, don't relinquish control. (Hmm, this is my mantra when I babysit my grandchildren. It works sometimes.)

    I love the school photos of Ro and Ree, and M3's description of how their appearance alters throughout the day. Precious little ones. The outfits are spectacular too.

    Hope you four sleep well tonight.

  14. I would of bought em too! CUTE pics!
    Enjoy your trip you guys!!!

  15. Have a nice trip! You could have taken those pics ya know!

  16. Those outfits are the cutest! Heh...I forgot about the wash and rewear thing.

    Ro's smile in the shots of the two of them is a hoot. Wonder what was being said to them?

    SOOOO happy the stolen kitty cat boots made it back in time for picture day! That would have been awful!!

    Cute, cute as always. Miss you like crazy!!! Have a wonderful vacay with hubs!

  17. Love those skirts...I must have some. Will you please tell where you got them?
    Precious school pictures!
    Have a great trip.

  18. Your parents are awesome... I think that photo should be there '09 Holiday card!

  19. I love them! The Tongginator's school picture this year showed a huge (and I do mean HUGE) Little Mermaid band-aid on her arm. Well... ya know... it's just a visual reminder that my little gal is clumsy. Just like these photos are a visual reminder that your girls... Heh.

  20. Anonymous7/10/2009

    If Ro's skirmish was with sis, it looks like Ree won. That triumphant look on her face in every picture is priceless.

  21. Anonymous7/11/2009

    Ohh Im a sucker too. They took pictures in the beginning of kindergarten in the fall and then
    they did a group photo later in the year and they redid the school photos I bought all three packages and a year book .
    Now tell me about being a sucker! but how could I not

  22. Very cute pictures.
    Hey, how do you get your blogger pictures to be the size they are? Do you have to re-size them on Flickr and then capture the URL? That is the only way i know how but it seems like it all takes too long....Any posts on any hints for this?

  23. Hey Cindy, if I want the portrait-oriented pics to show up as 500 width (the width of my blog) then I make them that width before I load them into Flickr. The landscape-oriented pics automatically end up with a 500-width version in Flickr. It's a pain... If anyone knows a better way, I'd love to hear it.
