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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I think the rat really completes the look, don't you?

Yesterday the girls got to pick a favorite bear to bring to preschool for Teddy Bear Week, which thrilled them to pieces. Ree picked Winnie the Pooh (I have no earthly idea why, since she has never paid him an ounce of attention—I swear sometimes she does stuff just to mess with me), and Ro picked Drea, her adored bear-lovey from when she was a baby:
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But even with all the bear excitement, the rubber rat did not get overlooked. Notice how Ratty has scored a prime seat in the baby stroller?

The girls actually fight over this creature:

Well shoot, it was after lunch, and that's quite close to dinner, which is nearly bedtime, so they might as well just change into pajammies (at least that was the logic they used on me):
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Hard to tell who got the better end of this taxi ride. Oh, and that's Batty, another "adorable" Halloween decoration hanging from the handle. Ratty is still the main dude though, see his charming little tail sticking out from under Ree's arm?:
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This pic came out terrible, all orangey and just "off," ya know? But I tried a Lightroom preset on it called Low Tide (from photo wizard Rebecca) and kind of like the results:

Have a wonderful bat- and rat-free day!


  1. Anonymous9/29/2009

    " I swear sometimes she does stuff just to mess with me".. does that mean Ree is more naughty?... hahaha


  2. Good to see we are not the only ones getting a head start on Halloween. Our daughter is already sporting her H PJs and walking around with her sacred H bucket. H is as big as X-mas in our house. Those PJs are adorable, where did you get them? We would love to add a pair to SS's collection.

  3. Seriously, you have the cutest kids I've ever seen!

  4. 2china4s: Thanks! I got them from Target online. They're Toddler Boys Circo Cotton Footie (in case the link doesn't work. We got them in size 5T and they're pretty long but tight enough that I don't think we could have gone smaller. They're cheap too, only $6.99 (or cheaper if you google target coupon codes). I liked them because they were all cotton (instead of polyester fleece like most footie pajamas) and kind of lightweight.

  5. That rat is HORRIBLE!!!!! Its so scary looking with the open month and teeth....auuuuuughghghghg!

  6. They are so CUTE!! I bet they crack you up every single day!! Where did you get those skirts?? I love them!!

  7. Hi Amanda: the skirts are from Carters, my mom got them at the store about a month ago, so they might still have them or they might have blown them out for fall inventory by now (they're lightweight cotton).

  8. Lots of terrific fun! The rat is a hoot! I love the skirts too. I would have bet good money that they were sewn by a home crafter. They really have that custom boutique look.

    The PJs are fun too.

  9. I love the PJs!! That rat is pretty fierce, I can't believe the girls tote him around everywhere!!

  10. Hehe, with pjs as cool as those, who wouldn't want to wear them all day!

  11. Lovin the rat! I was in Target the other day shopping for my 50ish year old Uncle's birthday present and it was in between an identical looking rodent and a Halloween themed, glow in the dark blanket. The blanket won out because I remembered he already has a big rubber rat. See, your family isn't the only one that's weird. ha.ha.ha.

  12. Anonymous9/29/2009

    How do you sleep at night? I would have a hard time with my cheeks hurting so badly from smiling I wouldn't be able to.


  13. The girls are adorable as always!! But... I gotta say... that rat scares the pajeebas out of me!! haha!!

  14. oh that rat is just ickey! But I do LOVE those jammies!!

  15. Rats 'n bats. Oh, to be 4 again. Oh, that's ahead of me again, isn't it?

    Oh yah! :D

  16. Wow...it is not even the 30th of October and M is decorating. Guilty Mom here feeling bad. Bday party planning for October still has not started. Hmmmm....maybe M needs to become my life coach!

    Miss you tons!


  17. I'm glad to see that we aren't the only ones who have that SAME RAT!

  18. that rat is just wrong, wrong, wrong! Wrong I tell you!

  19. That rat? Will give me nightmares.

  20. I despise rats. Especially the one who was living behind our TV eating our cake while we were sleeping.
    My almost 4 year old? LOVES the rat and can't stop talking about him. She'd swipe that thing right away from your girls and high-tail it away. What is up with that???

  21. Tee hee. My kids would be ALL over that rat!

  22. Well, it's official...your blog has come full circle for me. lol. I remember the VERY first post of yours that I read. Don't know when it was but it was bits of mouse/rat that the kitty got! lol.
    Love the photos!!! Even the ones with the rat!!

  23. Oh yeah, nice BAT too!!! lol

  24. Whao, that rat is one scary thing! There is no way Emma will get close to something like that and neither would I! I hate mice and rats even worst.
    They are pretty good with that thing. Are you all set for Halloween? Are the costumes complete? I need to go to the mall tomorrow to buy Emma's princess shoes for her costume, yup a princess again!

  25. Hi, I have followed your blog for awhile now. I am just here to remind you that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as a survivor, I am just going to all the blogs that I read to remind you to do your self breast exams. Have a great blessed day and DONT FORGET TO CHECK YOUR BREAST! Visit my blog for a Breast Cancer giveaway.

  26. That rat is just...freaky...I hate mice or anything similar. They give me the creeps...and I will scream if I even THINK I hear some rodent close. yuck.

  27. Anonymous10/01/2009

    Ha! Too Cute! I have two boys: Nate,5, Ben,4,& a little girl: Kate,4.
    We have the same rat! It was for our house last year. This year we are going a little more kid friendly, let's just say last year the rat was not such a hit with 3 screaming, exhausted, hot, itchy kiddies.Talk about Halloween Horror!


  28. All your pictures rock... day after day! I like the last one with the preset, too. I have her stuff. They are great to work with! Kind 'a artsy! Love it!

  29. What cuties! It's amazing the silly or unusual things kids like as toys...my son's absolute favorite is a washcloth.

  30. Never a dull moment in your house....NEVER:) These pictures just crack me up.....especially the ones on the tricycle with all their animals.

    I bet they continue to play with that rat clear through Christmas.

