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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Awww, now that's a school photo we'll be proud to hang on the wall!

PhotoLRs The preschool photographer rocked this year: she was blazingly fast, she listened when I asked her to pose the girls together (because, come on, all the relatives really want is one nice wallet photo of both girls), and she chose one good shot and printed it in a few sizes so I didn't have to agonize over any choices. Ahhhhhhh. I still haven't done the girls' birthday shoot yet. Am running out of time, but TubaDad's family is flying into town today and I had to get the house ship shape and the beds ready, and plan for Ro's birthday party* on Saturday (she wanted a party at Pump It Up with friends) and Ree's birthday party* on Tuesday (she wanted a "flamly-only" party at home). So I've got a few balls in the air. Maybe we can get it done sometime this week... * I know, they were both born on Oct 6, but we figure they'd each get a party if they were born on different days, so there's no reason to lump them together just because they're twins. They both go to each other's party, obviously, and we sing Happy Birthday twice at each party. For the last two years it has worked out that one wants a big party that their friends come to and one wants a family-only party at home. We might have to come up with something creative if both girls decide they want big parties with all of their friends in attendance, but for now it's working for us.


  1. Oh man - that is one cute photo! And I'm gettin' good at this.....Ree in the purple shirt??

  2. Beautiful shot.

    Just to tell you that here in england a two part programme has been on called The Secret Life of Twins, talking all about twins, genetics, allsorts. There was a story on it of a family from Sacramento, who went to china and adopted a baby girl. They had to go to the official ceremony in china for the adoption and there was a family there from I think Denmark who were also adopting a baby girl, who was identitical to their baby. The nurses insisted they werent twins. They swopped details and it has since been proven they were identical twins and now the girls are living in different countries with their families.

    They are now about 6 and the family from Denmark travelled to see the US family, and the girls were amazing! I think you would find it so interesting. The way they stood, the way they clenched their fists in excitement and jumped up and down was identical! Of course at the end of the weeks holiday they were heartbroken to part, but will be staying in touch.

    It was amazing to watch and I shed a good few tears and thought of your precious girls.


  3. That picture rocks. So cute!

    I love that you have 2 parties. One of the things about being a twin that bothered me as a kid was that I always had to share my birthday with someone else. Every single year! Heh.

    Of course I'm over that now that I am an adult. Sort of :)

    I can't believe it's going to be their birthday already. I sent them each a little something in the mail today. They should be arriving in a couple of days.

  4. The photo is gorgeous:)

    I love the upcoming birthday plans, I especially like it that you let them have a special day of their own:)

  5. ps it wasn't Denmark it was norway.. and found this link to a review shows a pic of the girls.


  6. What a good idea for the birthday parties! We have not celebrated my twins first birthday yet, so we can still probably get away with one party. But I was already agonizing over what to do in the future!

  7. Cute pic! If the day comes that they start both wanting friends and family, one could have their party on their half birthday. You could still sing to both at both parties. I have a friend who does that with her twin girls.

  8. That is really adorable!!! I'm sure my preschool photos will not be as cute especially since Madelyn still had crazy bangs from where she cut them herself.

  9. Well...that's a cool way to celebrate a twin birthday. (Being a twin, I can really appreciate this twist in tradition.)

    Enjoy it all!

  10. Oh my goodness that is a cute pic!!!! I have yet to get a school pic as good as that!!

  11. What a great picture !!!

    Is the family party a tail gate party on that new 2 seater car Tubadad is getting them?

    Have fun and happy birthday !

  12. Awesome pic!

    All of a sudden, they are so big! Esp. after seeing that sweet video. WOW! Time flies. I can remember vividly you receiving your referral. We have our set up just like you did to record the call.

    Keep smilin!

  13. What a cute photo of your sweet girlies!

    How fun that they each get to have their own party and just the way they want it. Fun!!

    Happy Birthday weekend....wheee!

  14. It can't get any cuter than this one!!! I love it... and I love that you are allowing the two parties. You are an awesome mom!!

  15. It's a great shot! (And we love those pants. The Tongginator is wearing hers today.)

  16. What a great idea to separate out the parties! I love the photo. Cool pants...where did you get them?

  17. no need to explain- I think you guys rock for giving them their own parties! pic is cute too!

  18. AWESOME photo!!!!!

  19. Anonymous10/02/2009

    That is a terrific photo!

    Nice idea for two parties, it's funny how they both have different ideas on how to spend their birthdays, and how great of you to indulge them both when it would be easier to do one party. That is the sign of a great mommy! You rock!


  20. Anonymous10/02/2009

    This is the best birthday option I've ever heard of for multiples! Two people, two parties. Gets my vote! Your kids are beautiful and your posts are entertaining...great combo!


  21. So cute!!! Funny, I just did a school pic post today :)

  22. That is the cutest picture!! I love those pants, they were handmade if I remember the post about them! I would die to have them--they look simple to make--that is if you a crafty!

    Great idea w/the party ideas!!

  23. What a wonderful photo! Love those outfits.

  24. Very cute picture! They are so pretty!!

  25. Michelle (Australia)10/02/2009

    I have an unrelated question that I've been pondering for a while... I never see your girls wearing hats, outside or at the beach or pool they never have a hat on... just wondering as you live in a super sunny climate.

  26. I've nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Congrats!


  27. Great photo - so cute!

    Happy fourth birthday to Ro and Ree! Wonderful idea with the two birthday parties.

  28. SOO cute!! I can't believe it is their birthdays!! Where does time go?? Em turns four on Oct. 23 and I just can't believe it. I don't post too often, but I've read your blog since before you (or I) traveled to our girls and it doesn't seem possible... time flies.

    Can't wait for birthday pics. LOVE the school shot!!

  29. oh my goodness ~ what a "boo-tiful" picture! (sorry couldn't help it!!)
    what cuties ~ would love to be able to order some of those adorable pants!!

  30. Adorable!! Love the outfits, too.

  31. That really is an awesome school pic. Course you get all the credit for the fab outfits- way to go M3!

  32. Great shots! You hit it on the head with the gradndparents wanting both of them in the shot! Grandparents need bragging rights.

  33. What a great photo of the girls:)

    Sounds like you are going to be partying like rockstars the next couple of days!!

    Have fun...and Happy Birthday to the girls!


  34. Anonymous10/06/2009

    Happy Birthday, Ro and Ree!!!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Aunt Jane
