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Friday, January 15, 2010

Fashion Friday (cutting off sleeves then sewing them back on)

It's Fashion Friday, time to take a peek at the clothes and outfits the girls put together this week. We used to take turns in the closet, but lately they've been doing all the picking, and the funny thing is that I'm really ok with it. I never thought I'd say that, what with the control-freak tendencies and all, but it just tickles me to see what they do, plus they have so much fun with it. Anyhow, here's the Ro and Ree fashion week at a glance. FashionFridayJan15_s-000001 For #3, Ree dressed herself and her sister. She chose their new red and black polka-dot corduroys, then coordinated all the stuff and told Ro what to wear. Oh and do you see the red and black fleece tops they're wearing? Well they were originally solid color fleeces, but the sleeves were too long so we cut and hemmed them. But then they were too short. Oops. Luckily my mom still had the parts we had cut off, so we reattached them, after swapping the colors so now each fleece was part black and part red, and I think they actually came out really cute. For #5, Ro did the picking for both of them. And you can see in #1, #2, and #5 that Ro is still really into tucking things in. She's even got her pants tucked into her socks. Funny little chiclets... Happy Friday! Does anyone have any great plans for the weekend? PS: An update on the phone situation: After reading your comments, we started with the easy thing and renegotiated our phone contract so now we've got unlimited local and US long-distance for about $40 a month. Duh, no idea why we never did that before! Then we looked hard at what everyone said about the other options and finally decided that we (meaning "me," heh heh) are not ready to replace our landline with an internet-only option. The biggest reason was that while TubaDad is insanely technical and can do anything that requires wires, I am seriously technology-challenged. He travels all the dang time and I swear our internet can smell when he's getting on a plane and instantly takes a dive. All the stories about problems with 911 and not having phones if your internet goes out were enough to convince me to wait a little longer. So thanks for all the info -- it really helped. If anyone else is considering telephone land lines versus Vonage, Magic Jack, Ooma, and the like, check out the comments on this post and you'll find some great pros and cons.


  1. Anonymous1/15/2010

    They certainly like bright colors. Have a great day.

  2. Wow....they're good. Such imaginations. How could they not turn out so interesting given their personalities.

    Happy Friday to you!

  3. LOVE it!!!!
    do the girls had puddle jumpers

  4. They are so creative with their choices..... Well, if med school doesn't work out, they could become fashion designers!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. In light of your post earlier this week about the girls fascination with blood and all things medical, I thought I would share a link to an article I read in New York Times about a correlation between personality and how one does in med school.


  6. Thanks guys!

    Miss Ashley: That article is really interesting!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Kristina1/15/2010

    Great job girls! So colorful they make me smile every time!

    We are going to the 12:30 Barnes and Noble family storytime tomorrow.(Sat@ Eastridge) It is supposed to be with Ladybug girl and Bumblebee boy and Max and Ruby! Checking it out and will see if we go to more or avoid the place instead!! haha

    Kyle is going paintballing with my brother! Girls are too young for that but I'm sure they would have a blast!

  8. Those girls have an innate fashion sense! Very creative and fun- I need a little of that in my own wardrobe :)

  9. Anonymous1/16/2010

    We useonly cell phones but have a house alarm system that has a call button for the police and fire. It calls the alarm company who can then communicate with whoever is in our house (like a babysitter) and then send help.

    I forgot that Vonage does not have a normal 911 response system. Good point. Especially with kids.
