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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Win win

The girls love snowman hot chocolate, and I love sneaking hits off the whipped cream can while I’m making it.


Everybody’s happy!

Even the hamster. Although his bliss comes from fruit. Which you never ever mess with, by the way, or you will suffer the fierce rodent stink eye. The dude is deadly serious about his treats.


PS: To make snowman hot chocolate, just put a layer of whipped cream (to hold everything in place), then top with two large marshmallows that you’ve written on with edible markers. I got a box of cheapo Wilton edible markers at Michael’s, and they carry them anywhere that they sell cake decorating stuff. My friend D said she saw them at Walmart.


  1. Love the marshmallows!

    1. Thanks! We've made it twice already this week and will probably have to do it a couple more times. Which reminds me, we need more whipped cream... >;-)

  2. Anonymous1/31/2013

    Is that a grape the little guy is eating? So cute. I love how little paws hold food in place. Kind of like us :).

    I could skip the hot chocolate and just consume the whipped cream out of the can and be happy as a clam! Maybe I would roast the marshmallows for their gooey goodness on the side :).

    1. It is a grape. Just tried some this week and he is a HUGE fan.

      Speaking of roasted marshmallows, I saw an awesome recipe this week online for oven s'mores. Don't they look delish?!

    2. Anonymous1/31/2013

      Oh my goodness, they look delicious. I am afraid I would eat the entire batch in one sitting!

  3. Anonymous2/01/2013

    What happened to the blog contacts on the left of your blog site?

    1. I finally took them off. So many folks aren't updating their blogs any more that it was hopelessly out of date. I still have them all in my RSS reader, so if there are any that you want the urls for, just let me know.

  4. Anonymous2/01/2013

    Yes, Catherine's Chatter and now the name escapes me for the second one. Her husband died of kidney cancer and she has a baby named Michaela.

    1. Here you go:
      Catherine's Chatter
      Beauty for Ashes

      If anyone needs any others, just let me know.
