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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My curling iron was sitting out, so...

Apparently it was time for some serious curly hair, and then...


...a rockin’ roller disco party (at least this is what I imagine roller disco would look like).


PS: TubaDad was traveling while I was making the new blog header, so I had to be a little creative to get him in it.


  1. That header is funny!

    1. I figured it would crack you up!

  2. Anonymous12/10/2013

    Love the pictures the header is great. Funny with your husband but careful he might get even. :) Your girls are growing so quickly and as beautiful as ever,


  3. Anonymous12/10/2013

    Your girlies are looking awfully old...you might have to ban them from your curling iron :-) Or at least not let them curl their hair when TubaDad isn't there to chase away the boys! I'm thinking Dusty is entirely too much of a softy to be much good for that!

    I'm a fellow wimpy West Coaster so I think your girls were smart having their skating party inside. Brr!

    1. Oh my gosh, the temperatures lately have been crazy. I don't think they girls have even played outside for a week.

  4. Anonymous12/11/2013


  5. Where's little Pan Pan? The rest of the the crew looks like Santa may come down that chimney any minute. Really darling photos, M.

    1. Aw thanks Brenda!!

      Little PanPan has gone to the great hamster wheel in the sky. The girls are really sad about it, and I think Dusty was the saddest of all.

    2. Sorry to hear about PanPan. Hugs to the girls.

  6. Anonymous12/11/2013

    L.O.V.E. the new header....you are so creative!

  7. Anonymous12/11/2013

    I love the header and Tuba Dad's position in it. I agree with the first Anon, you are so creative. Great photos of the girls. I love the curly hair. I always think it looks great with long hair.

  8. Such cute curly roller derby girls!

    Tate has been into curly hair lately. We are using the rag method that you blogged about ages ago. Her obsession has gotten so bad that last night I have to comb snarls out because she was twirling her hair to try and made it curly. Tonight she will be sleeping in the rags for curly hair to see Santa tomorrow.

    1. That method is still the best, isn't it?!! If the girls still want curls tomorrow I'm going to break out the rags or paper towels. Those curls stay forever.

  9. Oh no! Pan pan?! What happened, if you don't mind sharing? The poor girls! I'm so sorry to hear that. I do know that Pan Pan had to have been the most loved & played with hamster of all time. Hugs!

    1. Thank you. He just started to look older all of a sudden, and then about three weeks after that he died. I think he was just at the end of his lifespan, poor lottle guy.

  10. Anonymous12/12/2013

    m3 I have not checked in for awhile . Your twinados are gorgeous big girls now. My own little pumpkin is growing just as fast. Just wanted to say they are beautiful !

  11. Anonymous12/13/2013

    You haven't seen Xanadu?

    1. What is that?

    2. Anonymous12/14/2013

      I am a different anonymous than above. Xanadu is a 1980 romantic musical fantasy film written by Richard Christian Danus and Marc Reid Rubel and directed by Robert Greenwald.

      I have no idea why you were asked the question.

    3. Anonymous12/17/2013

      It's a movie about roller disco. Olivia Netwon-John singing ELO on roller skates.

  12. I am LOVING those skates. I'm thinking Sara-belle and the Kelle-belle might want something like those for Xmas. Are they OK on wood floors? It would appear so. And where did you get them, if I may ask?

    1. Hi Lori, we got these skates and wrist guards at Sports Chalet - do you have any of those? They're fun, I think they might mark hardwood floors though, at least the way the girls skate. They're only allowed to use them upstairs on the laminate floors (those babies can handle anything).

  13. I was able to find the brand on Amazon, just by looking at them. Phooey. I was hoping to lift up the rugs and let them go to town. I might give it a shot. My hardwoods are pretty tough. In any case, we have a 3 car garage that is easy enough to empty out in the winter for biking, and now skating! As always, thank you for the great ideas!!

  14. Beautiful! The header is a hoot!
