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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Skipping school for a good reason

We sprung the girls from school a couple of hours early for a special treat -- lunch with mama and daddy at the newly opened American Girl doll store.

They were pretty darn excited.

photo (1)IMG_3936LR

Lunch was cute, and then TubaDad did what all the other daddies in the store were doing: say yes a lot and pay a lot:photo (2)

In the end, Ro got a new doll (she still had her original Bitty Baby from years ago) and Ree (who had asked for a new doll for her birthday) got a stuffed dog and one of the book/kits. Both dolls spent some time in the salon, and also got their ears pierced.

Now Ree and Ro’s dolls look very similar (I think one is #25 and one is #42 or something like that) but there are subtle differences in hair and skin color. I told the girls it’s just like them – everyone will think the dolls are exactly the same, but the mamas will know differently.


  1. What a fun place! I've been to the one in Chicago. It's pretty dangerous having that place that close to you! Ha! I have a feeling Tuba Dad will be "paying a lot" quite often! Ha!

    1. The Chicago one is the first one we went to, many years ago with the fab tw.ins Michal and Kenna. That store was amazing

  2. Anonymous12/18/2013

    With only a week away from Christmas? Aren't they lucky!

  3. Anonymous12/18/2013

    I'm truly sad my daughter is far too old for this place. I am hoping my niece will want to go and I'll get to go with her! lol Looks like a lot of fun! :)


  4. How fun!! What a great place to enjoy family time! AG dolls are so beautiful! We've never been to a store but maybe now we'll visit some year? ;o) love how you talked about the girls and their dolls! Oh bother...2 more little ones for me to tell apart! You know how well I do with your sweeties! Oye!

    1. It's ok, the girls have been mixing them up too. Last night Ree did a new hairstyle on one of the dolls, and Ro was all happy thinking her doll had gotten a makeover, when actually hers was "sleeping" on the bed. Ooops.

  5. Anonymous12/19/2013

    Is that little foot on the right side of the pic blurry because it is impatiently tapping? <3 <3!! A1

  6. Anonymous12/19/2013

    Tuba Dad is an awesome dad. Yay...sweet

