I was so unproductive yesterday that if I could have donated the oxygen I was using to someone more deserving I would have done it in a heartbeat. There was a whole list of things I *could* have been doing. Like do one measly load of laundry to try to get ahead of the pile that's starting to barricade the garage door, drag my butt off the couch for my mandatory 15 minutes a week of exercise, write the adoption petition letter that TubaDad asked me to finish last week, go golfing with TubaDad and Dan instead of canceling at the last minute because there was a menacing gray cloud in the sky, take some new pictures with my Nikon D70 and figure out the flash setting, do a painting on one of the new canvases I bought in February that just lean against the wall mocking me every time I climb over the laundry pile to get to the garage. Well the list goes on and on. What did I do instead? Plant myself on the reclining LaZboy couch, make a comfy little blanket nest, and lie (lay?) there all day with the cats eating nilla wafers, watching tv, and periodically thinking "I really need to get up and do something." Lame.
Anyone else have a spectacular day? If so, please tell me about it so I can enjoy a vicarious thrill. Oh, and to make up for my day of slothliness (that’s not a word is it?), this week I will show tremendous drive and action. Look out!
(Footnote, added at 9:46 AM: Forgot to mention, I did pull out of the slump briefly at the end of day to finish up with a flurry of activity. Had an awesome dinner with our neighbors and bought some Rit dye and dyed by favorite jeans back to a darker color so I can still wear them to work without getting “the eye” from my boss. Hee!)