Ok, Ok, I have been asked by quite a few people this week why I haven't been posting to the blog and where the pictures of the nursery are. I hear ya! Clearly I have been severely neglecting my bloggerly duties. Well I am here to rectify this shameful situation.
First, to set the record straight, I have not been lounging around eating bon bons in my PJs, much as I would
love to be doing that. (
Oh god would I love to be doing that!) The household has actually been filled with frenetic actitivity this week. When we moved into this house about a year and a half ago I was smug in my decisions and my perfect little color-coded labeling system -- the baby's room will go here! The office is definitely here. The tuba room cannot go anyplace but there. And of course the guest room must be there. Ah, the heady power of snap decisions. And oh the pain of having to undo every single one of them...
Yes, this week we have experienced the pure joy of moving all four rooms of 800-pound furniture (up stairs
and down stairs), opening closets that were jam-packed with boxes and wailing "WHY did we put that there and why haven't we unpacked it yet?" and pulling up to the Goodwill station with yet another truckload only to hear the attendant smirk "weren't you just here yesterday and the day before?!" Ugh. All so we could get started on the nursery. (
See Funshine, we are already suffering for you. And we love it. :-) )
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Cue the
la La LAs. All furniture has now been beaten into submission and moved to the correct rooms. And at least three of the four rooms look alright when seen from the hallway at a brisk pace. We have Progress, people! And it feels good. And now, for your viewing pleasure, here are the first shots of our nursery in progress. It's not anywhere near done, of course. I haven't done any of the sea creature paintings yet, and I ordered fun little terry cloth
animals to hang on the valance, and it's so bare, and,
and...! But this is enough so you can get an idea of where we're heading with the whole thing. You can see the nifty custom curtains and crib skirt the moms sewed and a close-up of the cute blue flannel sheet fabric we found, along with the little bookcase I had when I was a kid and the too-cool frolicking dolphins green bureau we got on our San Luis Obispo roadtrip.

Whew. Well that's good enough for now. I'm going to put my damn PJs
back on and go find some bon bons!