Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Aren't we romantical?
TubaDad just reminded me that Tuesday is our wedding anniversary (whoops, guess I've had other things on my mind). But the way he said it kind of cracked me up: "Soooooo.... it's our wedding anniversary on Tuesday. I guess we'll celebrate it by watching the American Idol finale, right?" You could hear the hope in his voice. Luckily we're a great match, so my response was "Awesome! We can crack open some champagne when it starts and really do it up right." Yeah, I don't think we'll go down in history as the most romantic couple on the planet. But hey we do have fun, and maybe he'll buy me a diamond television remote for my gift this year! Heh.
Speaking of Idol, did you catch the show last night? I'm thinking Kat is going home tonight. (And yes, for those who are counting, I've been wrong about 98% of the time so far.) She has a great voice but I don't get that sitting on the floor singing thing and she MUST STOP wearing shiny satin outfits. Plus, Elliott has a huge "feel sorry for him" fanclub burning up the voter lines, and I think a whole bunch of stunned Chris fans will vote for Taylor this week. I know we did (7 times before we got bored and wandered upstairs).
Things aren't looking so bleak today, by the way. Your supportive email and comments helped a LOT (thank you!), and we had Mexican food again for dinner last night. TubaDad actually had it for lunch too. Never underestimate the power of comfort food!