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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Crazy is as crazy does ***

The rumors are heating up (finally!), and I'm fiercely trying to think about anything other than whether or not we'll make it in this batch. But it's HARD. As soon as TubaDad cracks an eye open in the morning, he croaks "hear anything?" because lately I'm always hunched there in the dark rabidly clicking away on the laptop looking for news. I won't miss this tension once we get a referral, that's for sure. For a peek into my head, here's a self portrait I did a little while ago. It doesn't have a title, but could be called "Any news?" or "We just don't know" or something else that you guys suggest - help me out with a creative title. (My friend Claire says it's "disturbed" and people would be surprised that I do art like that along with the cute little adoption t-shirts and stuff, but hey people have different sides, ya know? And the adoption this week is bringing out my anxious side.) In the category of not thinking about the adoption, have I mentioned we're demolishing the tile in our kitchen? In about an hour a few guys will show up to start the install on our new granite counters, backsplash, cooktop (with 18000 BTU burner, for all that cooking we do, haha), new sink, and new instant boiling water dispenser. Whooohooooo! Here's the before picture, stay tuned for more. I'll try to catch a few of the workmen swinging the pickaxes. *** Update: after 20 minutes, it looks like a demolition zone in here. And it's LOUD. I (naively) didn't expect it to be so loud. Haven't seen a whisker on either of the cats since these burly dudes knocked on the door. Here are a few "in progress" shots (yes the workmen think I'm a little nuts taking pictures of them - ha, they don't know the half of it!). DSC_4517s DSC_4519s