Oh my gosh I can barely type right now I'm shaking so hard.
We just got the call and we have twins!
The older daughter is named Da (big, elder) Shuang (pair) Ye and will be called Ro (nickname for the blog) Shuang or Ro Da (we're not sure yet).
The younger daughter is named Xiao (little, younger) Shuang (pair) Ye and will be called Ree (nickname for the blog) Shuang or Ree Xiao (we're not sure yet).
Oh man, I had to type that sentence 5 times I can't even get my fingers to work.
Da weighs 18.04 pounds, Xiao weighs 17.6 pounds. They are in Hubei in foster care. They were born on October 6, 2005 so they are 10 months old.