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Monday, August 7, 2006

Yes they DO have salsa in Utah

I'm back, didya miss me? :-) Sorry I didn't keep in touch but I actually went cold turkey on the computer and didn't have internet or email for days. I think the last time that happened Reagan was still in office. Heh. I see that TubaDad didn't manage to post one single thing to the blog while I was gone - see if I leave him in charge next time! A lot of firsts this weekend. First solo trip where I was totally responsible for flight, car rental, navigation to the hotel, etc. (I know, that's laughable at my age, but it's the truth.) First time visiting Utah and WOW is it gorgeous - I'm going back for sure because I need to see more. And, most importantly, first time meeting Lisa S, Tiffany (& Beau), Lisa W (& Mesa), Donna, and Julie. in person. So cool. As you might imagine, there was plenty of great food, fun conversations, amazing sight seeing, and shopping. Lisa W was a wonderful hostess - I was so touched that she had a big bowl of salsa waiting when we got there. She planned awesome activities for us and her mom Sunny even came over and cooked us an incredible authentic Norwegian breakfast (Norske Pannekaker, or Norwegian pancakes - yum!). You can view the entire slideshow here or check out the below photo highlights of shopping in a quaint little village, meeting the famous Beau, matching shirts for all the future daughters, guess whose toes are whose, watching an incredible lightning storm from the front porch, and listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Visiting a fun little shopping village I got to meet Beau! Matching tees for everyone Can you tell who's who? Fun on the porch Gorgeous backdrop I feel so lucky to have shared the weekend with these fellow moms-to-be. Sometimes I think this bond between adoptive parents is similar to the bonds formed between soldiers in war time. No one else knows exactly what you're going through or how this process affects you. And you share uncontrollable joy and sorrow - and wild celebrating of each other's victories. Anyhow, to Lisa, Tiffany, Lisa, Donna, and Julie - and to all the adoptive moms and dads I've met this year - it was a pleasure and I look forward to making many more memories with you all. PS: Thanks for reminding me to post the countdown Carrie - only 24 more days till our referral! PSPS: We're hosting a Northern California adoptive parents bash on Aug 26. If you're interested/involved in China adoption and would like to attend, send me an email (addy in sidebar at right) and I'll send you the evite.