Ro and Ree have taken to the water like, well, proverbial ducks. And while they look adorable to me in anything, I can't help noticing that they're busting out of their tiny pre-China-trip swimsuits. So I've been scouring the malls for new duds. I'm not too picky, I just want suits so drop-dead cute they'll melt your eyelashes if you stare straight at them. Heh. Anyhow, I'm having absolutely no luck. This shouldn't surprise anyone as the girls will only tolerate shopping for about 20 minutes before all hell breaks loose and I cut and run for the minivan.
But wait! Today I hit the internet while they were napping, and whoa ho ho! Now we're talkin'. There is just So! Much! Cuteness! I figured some of you must be looking for new toddler bathing suits too, so here's what caught my eye, along with some links that will literally make your credit card fly out of your wallet. (You can thank me later.) Keep in mind that I need suits with two similar, but not identical, options. So there were many more I found, but these come handily in pairs.
Wanna help me choose which ones Ro and Ree will be sporting in 7 to 10 business days? Check out these little beauties and please vote for your favorite pair of suits in the comments section.
Option #1: Strawberry and Orange fruit suits, by Samantha Says, with coordinating coverups. $14.99 to $17.99 at JC Penney.

Option #2: Blue/purple bunny and
Lilac duck suits, by Le Top. $25 to $29 at various places on the internet, just Google them to find the best price.

Option #3: Yellow/green daisy and
Orange giraffe, by Le Top, $30 to $32 at

Option #4: Red dots w/daisy skirt and
Red dots huge daisy suits by Big Fish. $36 at

Thanks for your help! Oh, and if you know the difference between 24mos and 2T sizes, please enlighten me. It's a mystery to me...
PS: In case anyone's wondering, yes I know there are huge, meaty world issues going on and I'm frivolously wasting who-knows-how-much time on bathing suit shopping for my kids. So sue me. It's fun, their faces literally light up when I say "let's go to the pooooool," there is nothing cuter than those chunky little legs in a toddler swimsuit, TubaDad won't be home until late tonight, I've feasted on some lovely chocolate and wine, and I need to destress and focus on something that makes me grin, like the thought of my baby girls in ridiculously cute little swimsuits. Aw, I'm smiling just typing this. Cheers!
PSPS: If you have any other links to fab little swimsuits that come in pairs, well you KNOW I'm going to need to see them, so start typing...
Update: Thanks for all the input. Four suits have now been ordered! I decided the little two-piece/monokini suits wouldn't work with the girls' big granny-panty swimmy diapers for now. So I ordered the red dots and daisy suits (very popular among salsa readers and family members alike) and
tried to order the little fruit suits but tragically they had run out of 2Ts in the red suit. Sob! So after whining and much fruitless Googling, I found and ordered a deliciously bright and sunny set of replacements by
Lands End ($26.50). Come on Mr Mailman, we can't wait to get our new suits!