Happy second birthday Ro and Ree -- our hilarious, exuberant, sparkling little girls. You are now two years old. TWO! Your favorite number, which makes it even more special. When we met almost a year ago, you lit up our lives, and we've been grinning ever since. Our birthday wish for you is that you will always be as happy as you've made the two of us. There aren't enough balloons or streamers or cupcakes in the world to show you how much you mean to us, but hey we can try, so bring on the wild and crazy monkey birthday party!
~ Love Mama and Daddy |
Please have some chips and salsa today (Oct 6) to help celebrate this special occasion and join us in wishing our rollicking Salsa Twins a very happy birthday. I'll be back to post pics of the festivities tomorrow, as soon as the sugar high wears off. In the meantime, here are the Ro and Ree birthday portraits, first in fun cupcake b-day outfits and then in the special Chinese dresses that my dad got for them while we were all in China (click pics to enlarge):

PS: I'm posting this a few hours early because we just wished the girls goodnight for the last time as one-year-olds and I totally lost it. I'm so weepy right now that I can barely see the keypad through the tears and I'm going to go drown my sorrows in something gooey and sugary. How could my babies be two-year-olds already? How did the last year speed by so insanely fast? And oh my gosh if I'm this bad now, how on earth will I handle their first day of kindergarten, high school, college, moving out? Oh man, oh man, have to go get that dessert right now...