We were scheduled to attend a "My Disneyland Birthday Party" at 4:15, but raced panting up to the gates at 4:45. We must have looked abject, because the sweet workers at the door let us in for the few remaining minutes of partytime, rushed us over to take the last photo with Mickey and Minnie, and then gave us the royal treatment with as many cakes, drinks, hats, and Mickey plates as we wanted. They kept stopping by to talk with us too, it was cute. The funny thing is that we were so stressed about being late I nearly broke out in hives, but it actually worked out perfectly. The girls never even knew we missed anything, they didn't have to wait in a huge line for the photo, and their attention span is so short anyhow that spending 10 minutes decorating and snacking was more than enough for them. Whew.
I am in love with our hotel too. I searched and searched until finally finding one that had a 2-bedroom suite. It has one bedroom and bathroom for us, a full kitchen and living room, and then a kid-decorated room and bath, complete with fun bunkbeds (the girls are sleeping in pack-and-plays, but they think the bunk beds are the best toy evah).
Ro and Ree were amazingly good all day, but just lost their little minds the last few hours of the evening. Pretty easy to figure out why: a potentially lethal combo of being trapped in a car for 8 hours, barely napping, rushing to the park with frenetic parents, and then immediately scarfing a ton of sugar on an empty stomach. Something had to blow. So tomorrow we're taking it slow and easy -- everything is going to happen on toddler time. If they want to spend all morning running up and down the halls of the hotel (one of their favorite activities for some reason), then that's what we'll do. We're not going to rush them and we're not going to stress about anything. (Hahaha, sounds good when I'm typing it, but you just know I'm going to freaking out about something by about lunchtime and scouring that dang park for a good glass of wine.)
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the day (I promised my little bro I'd post them). View them all on one page or in a slideshow. Cheers!