Saturday, February 9, 2008
Happy bert-day to ooo
Dear TubaDad: Hallmark just wasn't cutting it, so the girls and I made you a little birthday video instead. Enjoy your special day, hope it's full of love, laughter, and chocolate (like I even need to say that last one -- we both know there hasn't been a chocolate-free day since we met). By the way, my mom asked the girls if you and I wanted birthday cupcakes (my fave, as you know) and they said "No. Mama ike cupcake. Daddy ike cake." ???!!! How the heck did they know? Good to know they've got your back.
Love, M3 (your spring-chicken wife*), Ree, and Ro
Posted this blog post a little early since I won't be awake at 12:01 am on Saturday.
* Kind of an inside joke. TubaDad's one day older than me, so that means that he's going to be 40 and I'm NOT for an entire 24 hours. Whoooohoooo.