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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ro is blissfully unaware that she's about to get drenched

Hmmmm, if I throw the water at this exact angle, I think I can get her... DSC_1696 Oh yeah, victory will be mine in two seconds... DSC_1697 Unfortunately I was standing in the line of fire, so my camera and I had to run for it and didn't capture the resulting scream of indignation from Ro. Little cuties. Any day that involves water is a good day in their books. DSC_1711 The rest of the pics are here: thumbnails, pics all on one page, slideshow. PS: The pouchy butt on Ro's swimsuit just makes me giggle. Love it.


  1. The oh-so-focused-look on Ree's face in the second piccie, priceless!

  2. Mary Grace8/12/2009

    oh they are just too darn cute! love the new swimsuits.

  3. Lol! My kids would have to agree... water makes any day better! And the saggy bottoms, hahaha, Alex has that ocassionally too, so cute;)

  4. Very cute ... I LOVE Those swimsuits...where'd ya get them?

  5. Anonymous8/12/2009

    You're girls are cute!! I love the daily adventures that you all have. I work full time, but I try and do something special with my girls most evenings. I get a lot of my ideas from your activities!

    We have the same suits (Land's End) w/ the long sleeve rash guard. I love their stuff, their suits are so well made.

  6. Hey Michelle -- they're Lands End swimsuits, on clearance at Sears right now for $9. Awesome!

  7. Any day that involves some sort of water activity is a good day for Tahlia as well. Jazzie on the other hand is completely the opposite.

  8. The Tongginator has that same Lands End pink swimsuit, but her blue one is the butterfly version. And yes, the saggy bottoms are universal, I think.

  9. It has been so much fun to read your blog today. I needed cherring up.I have kept a beautiful little girl adopted from China for 2 years.I started nannying for right when she came home before her 1st birthday (Sept 10) 2007.She went on vacation 2 weeks ago and came back and her parents decided she needed to go to Daycare to be with other children.I understand because I have been in childcare for over 40 years,but I am missing her sooo much.Your precious girls remind me so much of her!I love the way they dress they are so cute
    I bet you all have loads of fun. Thank you for sharing.SueL.

  10. Anonymous8/12/2009

    wow your girls have grown up so fast

  11. Wow! It has been a while since I checked in.....Geez are your girls 12.....they have grown so much. Where does the time go! Enjoy the rest of your summer......the girls are as precious as ever.

  12. Looks like they're having a BLAST!!!
    BTW, M3, THANK YOU soooo much for your help with posting our pics on our blog!!!! It made life soooo much easier!!! You'll have to come by and take a look!! Thanks again!!!

  13. Simply adorable as always. I especially like the very studious reading with the glasses pic.

  14. They just get cuter by the minute!!
