We're TubaDad (laid-back taco-eating tuba-player from Texas) and M3 (excitable, artsy chocoholic from California). We adopted our beautiful twin girls from Hubei, China in Oct 2006 and this blog is about our lives with the twinados, Ro and Ree. Cheers!
(this is an old post from 2009, just fixing a few things and republishing it)
A double feature today, first a Friday Flick and then some Fashion Friday.
Friday Flick: This video was taken almost three years ago, in Guangzhou, China, when the girls were 12-months old and we had known them for about a week and a half. I dug it up because I was telling Ro and Ree that they have great senses of humor, and they've always cracked up about stuff, even when we first met them in China. They didn't believe me, so I said "No really, we have the cutest video of you grabbing your daddy's nose and laughing and laughing. Hang on, I'll find it for you." Turns out Ree was belly laughing and Ro was watching and smiling, but hey at least I remembered that we even had the video:
Fashion Friday: Here are a couple of crazy outfits Ro and Ree put together this week. Ree is wearing her favorite sandals in both pics, and in the first pic Ro is wearing a purple outfit that her sister dressed her in and a yellow ensemble wholly of her own choosing in the second pic. Oy.
The public retraction: Well, both girls wore a puII-up to bed last night. Sigh... But—thanks to your awesome nighttime potty training comments, which everyone with kiddos who wear puII-ups at night should read—I didn't worry about it for one second. I didn't think it was my fault for not sticking it out this time. Yay!
The girls announced (minutes before bedtime) that they wanted to try to keep puII-ups dry rather than wear underwear (which sounded like a good idea to us), so we scrounged all over the house looking for supplies. We found one lone puII-up in their dresser, and one teeny-tiny old scraggly one downstairs in the playroom. So that's what they wore. And then I bought some more today.
TubaDad and I really don't care one way or the other, it's not like we're worried they'll go to college in puII-ups, so we'll just keep leaving it up to Ro and Ree. And I love Jennifer's comment where she said "Just remember that there's no correlation between desire to be dry at night and ability to be dry at night," and Diane's comment "Nighttime dryness is related to a hormone produced in the body. It is a physiologic maturity. You can try all the tricks, limit drinks, waking them up etc, but until the brain matures there is really nothing you can do." The comments were so reassuring and made me think "Whew, so we're not doing anything wrong, it's just something that happens when it happens." We haven't been stressed about this, but it's still nice to hear. I have to admit, though, even though I would never say this to the girls, that I'm secretly disappointed—man it felt good to pump my fist in the air and kiss those puII-ups goodbye, even if it was only for one day.
Want to make a big difference in the world? Give one small child the benefit of Foster Care. Ro and Ree were in foster care and it changed their lives. Read more about it or read about other charities that help children.
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