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Thursday, December 10, 2009

I thought for sure I was going to hear an f-bomb

The girls and I put on our pajamas the other night, then hopped in the van and drove around looking at Christmas lights. At one point, Ree kept trying to say something and Ro kept interrupting and trying to tell her what she should say or how she should say it. I told Ro to please let Ree finish her sentence, that she could say whatever she liked, and that in general you couldn't really tell people what to say. Well this touched off a vehement round of whispers in the back seat. Finally the whisperers reached agreement, and Ree solemnly said "Uh huh, mama, you can tell people not to say bad words." I smirked a little and asked if they knew any bad words. "Yes mama" came the rapid answer. Oh my. "Well, um, what bad words do you know?" I asked, kind of expecting a few errors in judgement to be tossed back in my face. More whispering. Then "We can't say bad words or we get in trouble." Heh. Still keeping a straight face, I said "It's ok, you're allowed to say a bad word just this once so I know what it is, I promise you won't get in trouble." And that's when I heard the Really Bad Word... Both girls lowered their voices and whispered dramatically "Okay ........ the bad word is ............... macaroni poopoo!" (gasp!)


  1. Anonymous12/10/2009

    I bet you were so happy to hear that first "M" sound! That eliminates almost all bad words, at least in English.

  2. What in the name of all that's holy are you teaching those children? Actually, I must confess... this has now become my very, very favorite swear word.

    Thank you.


  3. ahahahah thats hilarious

  4. Last year, in Kindergarten, my daughter came home and said to me - "Mom, I know the F word" and with my heart in my throat, I said, "Oh yeah, what do you think it is?" and she whispered "Freaking". I looked at her solemnly and said, "That's right - and we should never say it - that is a really bad word"

  5. BWAAA HAAAA HAAAAA!!! These two are killin' me.

  6. Many years ago my daughter and her best friend decided that cucumber was a bad word. They still say it to each other and giggle. Both have children now and I am waiting to see what their bad words will be. I just love your girls and the things they say and do.

  7. I'm busting up!!!! Almost lost my tea on that!! I so love your girls!!

  8. ROFL!!! That is priceless! I bet that is a time you wish you would of had the video camera on...and I do believe that I am going to start using that word!!! ROFL!!!

  9. ...and if they said that around Eliza she would through her head back with laughter. She LOVES potty humor (or "potty human" as she calls it)!

  10. Sounds like there might be some glutton intolerance at the preschool. ;)

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  11. Anonymous12/10/2009

    My daughter was about five when she said "People at school say "stupid" is a bad word is it? I said it was not nice to refer to people that way and it was fine to use that word when talking about say "stupid rain" etc..

    Oh,my daughter said. Ok, "How about fu*k. Is that a bad word?"

    OMG, I nearly fell off my chair. She said the word "fu*k" the exact same way she said "stupid"

  12. Oh how cute!!! I hate that my older boys have heard that word at school!! They know not to say it but have never asked what it meant, like all bad words are just that, bad words and have no other meaning and that is fine by me right now!! It seems like they grow up way to fast!!

  13. Oh, my!!! Where did they hear that?

  14. Oh my! Just never know what evil words are lurking in 4 y/o's minds.. hee hee (you have a magical way with words)

  15. Way too cute!!! These two crack me up!

  16. Bwhahahahahahah!

    Praying that's the first bad word my girls say too!

  17. HA HA HA HA HA HA...I'm dying laughing over here. That is hysterical! Your girls are a scream.

    And I'm totally adding macaroni poopoo to my list of expletives!

  18. Anonymous12/11/2009

    Tahnks for the laugh... :)

    Lisa V

  19. Hee! Although I have to say I ended up in a parent/teacher conference about my daughter's use of potty language after she said something similar. I think it was chicken but. Sigh.

  20. Funny! Maisie thinks adding poopoo to anything is hysterical. Her teacher gets on all the children for potty words and why they all think that they're so funny and how they want to use them all the time just makes me laugh.

  21. LOL!

    And fur the record Cafrin would have to agree as I think I just chamged a 'macaroni poopoo' diaper!

  22. LMAO!!!!!!!THAT IS A VERY BAD WORD INDEED!Your girls are super cute!!

  23. Delurking to say, I thought you had a G-rated blog.

  24. Oh no! Not that!! Ha ha ha!

  25. I remember being a nanny for a little girl who told me they were trying to get her little brother "to stop using the 's' and the 'h' words. You know, stupid and hate."
