I would be remiss if I didn't tell about our day today, if I only told
Friday's "day in the life" story, which would give the (mistaken) impression that we are full of energy and on-the-go every single day. Because today was just as much of a typical day for us as Friday was. Today I never got out of my pajamas and the girls never wore real clothes. We didn't leave the house, and no one's hair got combed (including mine), but we sure enjoyed ourselves.

There was some nice, peaceful painting by Ro (well it was peaceful for her, I was actually a little freaked out by the enormous mess but managed to keep it to myself). It turned out really well, and the paint didn't permanently stain anything. I think I'm going to frame it.

There was a whole lot of sister time. (Ree in purple, Ro in pink.):
(I should note that for this next pic I was sitting on the ground and holding the camera in my lap shooting blindly. I woke up with a crick in my neck and couldn't bend to put my eye to the camera. I figured I'd probably just delete them all, but atually liked this one and the next one.)

And there was a whole lot of laundry. (There's always a whole lot of laundry.)

The house got trashed, and then cleaned up. Three or four times:

The girls were quite busy for hours in the backyard making "meat" (a disgusting mixture of sand, ice cubes, water, and pieces of cardboard) for "their dog" (the brass dog that usually sits upstairs in the master bedroom) and having a party in the playhouse:

We found an old milk sippy in the playhouse. No idea how long it had been there... Ugh.

After the girls played with their "meat" long enough, they smelled, uh, not good. So it was into the tub. But before the bathing part, we tried round 3 of the rainy day shaving cream project (yes I know that time
#1 and
#2 were so so bad, but I am nothing if not stubborn). This time we went for a TINY amount, in bowls, that I doled out.

I'll write a whole post tomorrow on how the project came out this time. Any guesses about what happened before I spill it?
We had tv dinners (yes the lack of gourmetness is just stunning) and the girls watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. (They heart these tacky little wooden trays that I got at a garage sale decades ago.) Ro is on the left, Ree on the right.

Then we went upstairs and I read them five or six books (I lost track), they climbed into bed, I kissed them goodnight, and then I came downstairs to watch Grey's Anatomy (I guess that part is the same as Friday). TubaDad is off playing the tuba, in case you were wondering where he was in all of this.
So, did anyone else wear pajamas all day today, or do something equally decadent, lazy, or embarrassing?
Didn't wear pajamas all day, but I had to comment because while I am reading about your day, I have to tell you that I am also wearing my sock monkey footie jammies! Mine are last year's Target special (not this past year's) so they are all red on the legs instead of printed, but the sock monkey feet are the same. I wear them all the time.
ReplyDeleteI think going to your house is like a cross between going to camp and preschool where each hour is filled with a different activity and each room in the house is a different play station. When your kids start regular school every child is going to want to go to your house after school.
ReplyDeleteSounds a lot like my day only mine didn't involve "meat". (We did make "snowballs" though- biscuit dough rolled into little balls and then rolled in sugar before baking-AJ's recipe) And sadly I finished Gray's Anatomy a while ago so I'm watching Charmed instead.
ReplyDeleteAnd we did stay in our PJ's today too! We're pretty big on not getting dressed unless you have a really good reason to, around here!
it might just be me, but i think that you caught a stunning shot of Ro in that last frame.
ReplyDeleteShe just looks so serene, contented.
fun day!
I did my day in pictures today too, our day wasn't an ordinary one either, my normal days are a lot more like yours today. Most days we play around the house, stay in our pjs, and don't brush hair. The sad thing is while we are being bums we have therapist in and out of our house.
ReplyDeleteA Salsa Challenge! Paint the "tacky" tv trays. M3, you know you need another project.........
ReplyDeleteWOw! I am so glad to hear that you wear your PJs all day too!!!! Looks like you all have so much fun.
ReplyDeleteWe are jealous of the outside time, we are still
ReplyDeletenot there yet.
We haven't had a pj all day-day in sometime with swimming lessons on Saturday mornings and church on Sundays but we need one! Tess was thrilled to have PK day @ school toddy!
It's a rare day that I actually wear clothes! And, it sorta (but not really) pains me to admit that. Also, it's rare for the kidlet to get dressed either. PJ's are just too darned tootin' fun!
ReplyDeleteBTW, love the first pic. The glasses make it!
I'm going to guess (on project #3 attempt) they took those paint brushes and started painting each other's hair with the shaving cream (by the way, love the fact you gave them Skintimate for DRY SKIN). Moisturizing at any age is important!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see the sun was shining and they got some outdoor time ... am so envious. Send some to the east coast please!
those are the BEST kind of days!
ReplyDeleteand i'm guessing 3rd time was a charm and there was success at last with the shaving cream?? (fingers crossed).
I love lazy days like yours. I think last weekend Maisie and I spent three full days in pj's, FUN!
ReplyDeleteWe had no power due to storms, so we camped in the living room by the fire and played games. We did not shower for 2 days! Yikes! And we would go to stores and restaurants to warm up and eat. I felt like such a vagabond. I don't think any of us changed clothes and we did not bathe until the power came back, but we made the best of it and tried to make it fun.
ReplyDeleteLast night at bed time my daughter actually cried because she wanted to "camp" in the living room. I guess life is what you make of it!
I love PJ days! They seem to happen less and less frequently. I can still remember playing for hours with sand, mud, and water in my best friend's backyard. We made all sorts of disgusting recipes and I'm sure our parents just loved how messy and smelly we were afterwards! Great memories though. I love that they played in their princess costumes, and that you let them!
ReplyDeleteI am doing this "photo every hour" thing today, wow so fun! It's also our first little client's first official day in our "daycare" so it will be nice for his mom too. Can't wait to go through them - thank you so much for the idea!
ReplyDeletePS Do those drugstore kits work for genetic testing?
PPS Just read what anonymous said, and I agree!
Hey Samantha, can't wait to see your pics, fun!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if the drugstore kits work or not, but if they're just cheek swab kits that you use and then send in somewhere, I bet they'd be fine. We used Proactive Genetics, ordered the online kit, they sent us the cheek swabs, we swabbed then sent them back in for analysis.
Sounds like a typical day at our house (minus the "meat" LOL)...we love our pj's here too! Nothing better than just hanging together and having fun.
ReplyDeleteOh Yeah.... I wore pjs all day on Sunday!! I figured why get dressed to cook, clean, and do laundry. I honestly love to have "PJ Days" every once in a while!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the girls had tons of fun!! I cannot wait to see how the shaving cream project turned out. Something tells me this time it went smoothly:)
Have a great night!
I just don't see the sense in getting everyone dressed just so they can see me do laundry. Plus, getting dressed means MORE laundry! The girls and I don't even go to the grocery anymore. Greg goes while we goof off watching old Disney movies.
ReplyDeleteWe should have done TV dinners. I got a wild hair to make chicken dumpling soup, and the dumplings turned out horribly, and I made Greg sick. It's hard to make an ex-military man sick on dumplings. Then he got upset that I threw it out! CRAZY EATING MAN! LET IT GO!
Getting dressed on Mondays is such a bummer.
I want your weather,
Indiana Lori
Not today but we have had days like that and now the girls actually request a day in pj's. They asked me this past weekend (we had plans to be out both days) if we could do that. They have spring break coming up for two weeks and I plan on doing that one day.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about the shaving cream, I can't guess so I'm gonna wait for your post.
I have that same penguin ice container that they used for the meat pies. Love how cute it is!
ReplyDeleteSamantha and M3 - We just sent off for a twin zygosity test through DNA Solutions. Can't wait to find out the results!
ReplyDeleteYou let the girls use the Penguin pot to make mud in? That's just plain wrong!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy fondest childhood memory of kitchen stuff is of that Penguin insulated pot -- my Grandma and Mom both had one and I loved it.
I've been looking for one in antique stores and thrift stores for YEARS!!!
Catching up and thought the painting looks just like the glow in the dark place!! HAHA!! Savannah is showing off her "ear puffs" to everyone!
ReplyDeletePj days are the BEST and I think we need one at our house soon!
thank you thank you thank you for posting REAL pics of a messy house and laundry to be done! I feel like such a loser when I read most twin blogs and the house always looks perfect, everyone is peachy, projects/play ideas go perfectly, etc. I love to see that other twin moms have just as many bad days as I do! he he