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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!


Our little Dreamy Dragonfly (Ree) and Scary Fairy (Ro) had a wonderful day from start to finish. Technically, their day isn’t finished yet since they still haven’t managed to fall asleep. I, on the other hand, am so pooped I will be asleep within seconds of hitting publish on this post.

Night all, hope your Halloweens were happy!


  1. They are both cute as ever, but I have to say I am partial to the scary fairy this year! Did you make both these costumes?

    Just in case you don't have enough candy yet, jump on a plane! Our trick-or-treat got rained out & postponed till today! You got plenty time to wing it to Nashville! :)

    1. I love that scary fairy too! We ordered both costumes from Wishcraft (the girls fave catalog). They have awfully nice stuff

  2. Anonymous11/01/2013

    so cute! a1

  3. Anonymous11/02/2013

    Adorable costumes....wow, big wings on both, can imagine there was a bit of colliding into each other :) Kathryn was Minnie Mouse - collected the ears personally on a quick trip with them to Disney, Clare a cat. So much buildup for this holiday....a big whew for the mamas afterwards. Ginny

    1. Cute! Send me a pic if you have a minute - would love to see them.

      And YES oh my word, Halloween this year was exhausting -- I think because with all the celebrations at the girls' school, the party at the school I'm working at, and the evening trick or treating I didn't sit down once the entire day.

  4. Great costumes! Glad to hear it was so much fun!

    Now....off you go to snitch some candy while your girls are in bed. I did this last night but forgot to hide the wrappers. Oops! Thankfully she said she was happy to share with Mommy. Phew!!
